
Most read book authors

Most read book authors

Milan Kundera 20
Daniel Pennac 7
Ray Kurzweil 6
Amélie Nothomb 5
Sam Harris 5
Douglas Adams 4
Franz Kafka 4
John Christopher 4
Albert Camus 3
Aldous Huxley 3
Arthur C. Clarke 3
Annaka Harris 2
Ben Goldacre 2
Boris Vian 2
David Le Breton 2
David Whyte 2
Other 168

Book ratings (distribution)

Book ratings (evolution)

Book counts


Most seen concert artists

Most seen concert artists

Marcus Miller 17
Keith Jarrett 15
Brad Mehldau 13
Jack DeJohnette 13
Gary Peacock 12
Yaron Herman 12
Dean Brown 11
Michael "Patches" Stewart 11
Herbie Hancock 10
Poogie Bell 10
Chœur de l’Opéra de Lausanne 9
Kenny Garrett 9
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne 9
Prince 9
John Scofield 8
Larry Grenadier 8
Other 1326

Most seen concert artists (main musicians only)

Most seen concert artists (main musicians only)

Marcus Miller 17
Keith Jarrett 15
Brad Mehldau 13
Yaron Herman 12
Herbie Hancock 10
John Scofield 8
Kenny Garrett 7
Pat Metheny 7
Prince 7
Charles Lloyd 6
Wayne Shorter 6
Sting 5
Abdullah Ibrahim 4
Erik Truffaz 4
Malcom Braff 4
Mathieu Chedid 4
Other 231

Most visited concert venues

Most visited concert venues

Concert venueCount
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland 37
Chapiteau, Cully, Switzerland 29
Salle Paderewski, Casino de Montbenon, Lausanne, Switzerland 16
Montreux Jazz Club, Montreux, Switzerland 11
Opéra de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 11
Le Bout du Monde, Vevey, Switzerland 9
Arena, Geneva, Switzerland 7
Miles Davis Hall, Montreux, Switzerland 7
Casino, Montreux, Switzerland 5
Chorus, Lausanne, Switzerland 5
Grande Scène, Nyon, Switzerland 5
Studio 15, Radio Suisse Romande, Lausanne, Switzerland 5
Temple, Cully, Switzerland 5
Forum Rolex, Learning Center, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland 4
Métropole, Lausanne, Switzerland 4
Pinède Gould, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France 3
Other 66

Note: venues are counted at most once per day.

Concert ratings (distribution)

Concert ratings (evolution)

Concert counts


Most seen movies

Most seen movies

American Beauty 4
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 4
Being John Malkovich 3
Ghost World 3
Mulholland Dr. 3
Sleepy Hollow 3
Spirited Away 3
The Shining 3
The Truman Show 3
The Virgin Suicides 3
Vanilla Sky 3
28 Days Later 2
A Clockwork Orange 2
Alice in Wonderland 2
Amadeus 2
American History X 2
Other 1153

Most seen movie directors

Most seen movie directors

Roman Polanski 24
David Lynch 20
Ethan Coen 20
Joel Coen 20
Hayao Miyazaki 16
Steven Spielberg 15
Tim Burton 15
Stanley Kubrick 14
Wes Anderson 13
Agnès Varda 9
Christopher Nolan 8
Danny Boyle 8
Peter Jackson 8
Alfred Hitchcock 7
Martin Scorsese 7
Robert Zemeckis 7
Other 842

Movie ratings (distribution)

Movie ratings (evolution)

Movie counts


Most seen play authors

Most seen play authors

Molière 10
Alexis Giroud 6
Karl's Kühne Gassenschau 4
Oscar Wilde 4
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux 4
William Shakespeare 4
Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz 3
Franz Kafka 2
Joanna Murray-Smith 2
Marguerite Duras 2
Noam Perakis 2
Stéphane Albelda 2
Other 111

Most seen play directors

Most seen play directors

Geoffrey Dyson 6
Alexis Giroud 5
François Marin 5
Jean-Gabriel Chobaz 5
Philippe Mentha 4
Brigitt Maag 3
Jean-Michel May 3
Olivier Duperrex 3
Paul Weilenmann 3
Anne Vouilloz 2
Charles Tordjman 2
Jean Liermier 2
Jean-Luc Barbezat 2
Laurence Christen 2
Luc Bondy 2
Noam Perakis 2
Other 101

Most seen play actor

Most seen play actor

Caroline Althaus 6
Virginie Meisterhans 6
Marc Mayoraz 5
Stéphane Rentznik 5
Barbara Tobola 4
Julien Opoix 4
Lise Ramu 4
Miriam Perraudin 4
Paola Landolt 4
Philippe Mentha 4
Pierre Banderet 4
Pierre Luthi 4
Théâtre du Croûtion 4
Yves Jenny 4
David Marchetto 3
Fanny Pelichet 3
Other 803

Most visited theatres

Most visited theatres

Pulloff Théâtres, Lausanne, Switzerland 28
Salle Charles Apothéloz, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland 25
Théâtre Kléber-Méleau, Renens, Switzerland 10
Petit Théâtre, Lausanne, Switzerland 6
La Passerelle, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland 5
Carrière des Andonces, St-Triphon, Switzerland 4
Théâtre du Jorat, Mézières, Switzerland 4
Espace Culturel des Terreaux, Lausanne, Switzerland 3
Le Bouveret, Switzerland 3
Théâtre Barnabé, Servion, Switzerland 3
Chapiteau, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland 2
La Concordia, Le Châble, Switzerland 2
Salle de répétition, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland 2
Théâtre 2.21, Lausanne, Switzerland 2
Théâtre du Martolet, St-Maurice, Switzerland 2
Other 41

Play ratings (distribution)

Play ratings (evolution)

Play counts


Most listened to podcasts

Most listened to podcasts

Very Bad Wizards 192
Making Sense with Sam Harris 154
Waking Up with Sam Harris 149
Peach & Black Podcast 135
The Peter Attia Drive Podcast 82
Violet - Le Podcast sur Prince et le Minneapolis Sound 53
Alex & Erik's Podcast 50
FoundMyFitness 46
The Happiness Lab 35
The Tim Ferriss Show 33
Absolutely Mental 31
Prince | Official Podcast 24
Huberman Lab 23
Obsessed by Music 19
Tripodscast 14
Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger 12
Other 123

Podcast counts