Most read book authors
Author | Count |
Milan Kundera |
20 |
Daniel Pennac |
7 |
Ray Kurzweil |
6 |
Amélie Nothomb |
5 |
Sam Harris |
5 |
Douglas Adams |
4 |
Franz Kafka |
4 |
John Christopher |
4 |
Albert Camus |
3 |
Aldous Huxley |
3 |
Arthur C. Clarke |
3 |
Annaka Harris |
2 |
Ben Goldacre |
2 |
Boris Vian |
2 |
David Le Breton |
2 |
David Whyte |
2 |
Other |
168 |
Book ratings (distribution)
Most seen concert artists
Most seen concert artists
Artist | Count |
Marcus Miller |
17 |
Keith Jarrett |
15 |
Brad Mehldau |
13 |
Jack DeJohnette |
13 |
Gary Peacock |
12 |
Yaron Herman |
12 |
Dean Brown |
11 |
Michael "Patches" Stewart |
11 |
Herbie Hancock |
10 |
Poogie Bell |
10 |
Chœur de l’Opéra de Lausanne |
9 |
Kenny Garrett |
9 |
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne |
9 |
Prince |
9 |
John Scofield |
8 |
Larry Grenadier |
8 |
Other |
1326 |
Most seen concert artists (main musicians only)
Most seen concert artists (main musicians only)
Artist | Count |
Marcus Miller |
17 |
Keith Jarrett |
15 |
Brad Mehldau |
13 |
Yaron Herman |
12 |
Herbie Hancock |
10 |
John Scofield |
8 |
Kenny Garrett |
7 |
Pat Metheny |
7 |
Prince |
7 |
Charles Lloyd |
6 |
Wayne Shorter |
6 |
Sting |
5 |
Abdullah Ibrahim |
4 |
Erik Truffaz |
4 |
Malcom Braff |
4 |
Mathieu Chedid |
4 |
Other |
231 |
Most visited concert venues
Most visited concert venues
Concert venue | Count |
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland |
37 |
Chapiteau, Cully, Switzerland |
29 |
Salle Paderewski, Casino de Montbenon, Lausanne, Switzerland |
16 |
Montreux Jazz Club, Montreux, Switzerland |
11 |
Opéra de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland |
11 |
Le Bout du Monde, Vevey, Switzerland |
9 |
Arena, Geneva, Switzerland |
7 |
Miles Davis Hall, Montreux, Switzerland |
7 |
Casino, Montreux, Switzerland |
5 |
Chorus, Lausanne, Switzerland |
5 |
Grande Scène, Nyon, Switzerland |
5 |
Studio 15, Radio Suisse Romande, Lausanne, Switzerland |
5 |
Temple, Cully, Switzerland |
5 |
Forum Rolex, Learning Center, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland |
4 |
Métropole, Lausanne, Switzerland |
4 |
Pinède Gould, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France |
3 |
Other |
66 |
Note: venues are counted at most once per day.
Concert ratings (distribution)
Concert ratings (evolution)
Most seen movies
Movie | Count |
American Beauty |
4 |
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring |
4 |
Being John Malkovich |
3 |
Ghost World |
3 |
Mulholland Dr. |
3 |
Sleepy Hollow |
3 |
Spirited Away |
3 |
The Shining |
3 |
The Truman Show |
3 |
The Virgin Suicides |
3 |
Vanilla Sky |
3 |
28 Days Later |
2 |
A Clockwork Orange |
2 |
Alice in Wonderland |
2 |
Amadeus |
2 |
American History X |
2 |
Other |
1153 |
Most seen movie directors
Most seen movie directors
Director | Count |
Roman Polanski |
24 |
David Lynch |
20 |
Ethan Coen |
20 |
Joel Coen |
20 |
Hayao Miyazaki |
16 |
Steven Spielberg |
15 |
Tim Burton |
15 |
Stanley Kubrick |
14 |
Wes Anderson |
13 |
Agnès Varda |
9 |
Christopher Nolan |
8 |
Danny Boyle |
8 |
Peter Jackson |
8 |
Alfred Hitchcock |
7 |
Martin Scorsese |
7 |
Robert Zemeckis |
7 |
Other |
842 |
Movie ratings (distribution)
Movie ratings (evolution)
Most seen play authors
Author | Count |
Molière |
10 |
Alexis Giroud |
6 |
Karl's Kühne Gassenschau |
4 |
Oscar Wilde |
4 |
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux |
4 |
William Shakespeare |
4 |
Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz |
3 |
Franz Kafka |
2 |
Joanna Murray-Smith |
2 |
Marguerite Duras |
2 |
Noam Perakis |
2 |
Stéphane Albelda |
2 |
Other |
111 |
Most seen play directors
Director | Count |
Geoffrey Dyson |
6 |
Alexis Giroud |
5 |
François Marin |
5 |
Jean-Gabriel Chobaz |
5 |
Philippe Mentha |
4 |
Brigitt Maag |
3 |
Jean-Michel May |
3 |
Olivier Duperrex |
3 |
Paul Weilenmann |
3 |
Anne Vouilloz |
2 |
Charles Tordjman |
2 |
Jean Liermier |
2 |
Jean-Luc Barbezat |
2 |
Laurence Christen |
2 |
Luc Bondy |
2 |
Noam Perakis |
2 |
Other |
101 |
Most seen play actor
Actor | Count |
Caroline Althaus |
6 |
Virginie Meisterhans |
6 |
Marc Mayoraz |
5 |
Stéphane Rentznik |
5 |
Barbara Tobola |
4 |
Julien Opoix |
4 |
Lise Ramu |
4 |
Miriam Perraudin |
4 |
Paola Landolt |
4 |
Philippe Mentha |
4 |
Pierre Banderet |
4 |
Pierre Luthi |
4 |
Théâtre du Croûtion |
4 |
Yves Jenny |
4 |
David Marchetto |
3 |
Fanny Pelichet |
3 |
Other |
803 |
Most visited theatres
Theatre | Count |
Pulloff Théâtres, Lausanne, Switzerland |
28 |
Salle Charles Apothéloz, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland |
25 |
Théâtre Kléber-Méleau, Renens, Switzerland |
10 |
Petit Théâtre, Lausanne, Switzerland |
6 |
La Passerelle, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland |
5 |
Carrière des Andonces, St-Triphon, Switzerland |
4 |
Théâtre du Jorat, Mézières, Switzerland |
4 |
Espace Culturel des Terreaux, Lausanne, Switzerland |
3 |
Le Bouveret, Switzerland |
3 |
Théâtre Barnabé, Servion, Switzerland |
3 |
Chapiteau, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland |
2 |
La Concordia, Le Châble, Switzerland |
2 |
Salle de répétition, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland |
2 |
Théâtre 2.21, Lausanne, Switzerland |
2 |
Théâtre du Martolet, St-Maurice, Switzerland |
2 |
Other |
41 |
Play ratings (distribution)
Most listened to podcasts
Most listened to podcasts
Podcast | Count |
Very Bad Wizards |
192 |
Making Sense with Sam Harris |
154 |
Waking Up with Sam Harris |
149 |
Peach & Black Podcast |
135 |
The Peter Attia Drive Podcast |
82 |
Violet - Le Podcast sur Prince et le Minneapolis Sound |
53 |
Alex & Erik's Podcast |
50 |
FoundMyFitness |
46 |
The Happiness Lab |
35 |
The Tim Ferriss Show |
33 |
Absolutely Mental |
31 |
Prince | Official Podcast |
24 |
Huberman Lab |
23 |
Obsessed by Music |
19 |
Tripodscast |
14 |
Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger |
12 |
Other |
123 |