Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Aaron Schimberg | A Different Man | |
A troubling movie. Definitely not as sad as Elephant Man. They're very different movies, after all. A Different Man is a dark comedy, about identity, self-perception, society's reactions to differences, etc. I only learnt about Adam Pearson's condition after I had watched the movie. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Eyes Wide Shut | |
I first saw this movie 23 years ago. It's way better than I remembered. I'm currently listening to Very Bad Wizard's episode about the movie and, as always, I realize I had missed many details. | ||||
Home | George Pal | The Time Machine | |
Seen in early 1990 around the same time as The Power, which was directed by Byron Haskin, but also produced by George Pal. I'd say The Time Machine is slightly better and more entertaining. | ||||
Home | Byron Haskin | The Power | |
This is not a masterpiece, but I'll be generous for my rating, as this is a movie I watched and liked when I was 11 years old. It was broadcast on FR3 on January 2, 1990, and I'm pretty sure my brother or I recorded it on VHS. I'm certain I watched it at least once, maybe even multiple times. I was of course a bit shocked/terrified by the centrifuge scene. I watched The Time Machine, also produced/directed by George Pal, around the same time, as it was broadcast the same night on FR3. | ||||
Home | Chris Wedge & Carlos Saldanha | Ice Age French: L'Âge de glace |
Scrat is clearly the funniest character. Our son loved him. Version: French | ||||
Home | Yorgos Lanthimos | The Lobster | |
My third Yorgos Lanthimos film. An allegory of how we often go against our instincts to fit society. It was not an easy watch, as the absurd nature of the movie makes all characters quite unlikeable. | ||||
Home | James Wan | The Conjuring | |
I wanted to see a horror movie. I saw a horror movie. | ||||
Home | Mark Mylod | The Menu | |
This movie started as a dark comedy. I liked this first part. Then there was the scene with the sous-chef ("The Mess"). At this point, the movie clearly became a horror movie. I have nothing against horror movies, but the amount of suspension of disbelief required after this moment becomes just insane. The customers barely fought back. And we're also supposed to believe that the entire chef's crew (15-20 young, healthy persons) would willingly sacrifice themselves for their boss. Several moments reminded me of Midsommar. | ||||
Home | James Cameron | The Abyss | |
It's not a masterpiece, but it's definitely entertaining. I had probably seen this on TV in 1993 (maybe on March 1 on TSR or April 3 on France 2), at least some of the scenes. | ||||
Home | Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud | Despicable Me French: Moi, moche et méchant |
Watched with our 6-year-old son. Nothing unexpected. I was very familiar with some of the characters, but I had never watched the actual movie. Version: French | ||||
Home | Cédric Kahn | Feux rouges | |
This film seems to have achieved some international success (surprisingly). It's not a bad movie, but I found it hard to relate to any of the characters. The shots of the roads illuminated by the car headlights are quite reminiscent of Lost Highway. | ||||
Home | Roy Andersson | Sånger från andra våningen English: Songs from the Second Floor |
I saw this movie 24 years ago when it came out, with three friends. It's slow, almost boring at times. But it's also weird and intriguing, like a series of absurd paintings. For some reason, I bought the DVD in 2004, but never really watched it (except the sacrifice scene). I sold it in 2013, apparently, but I've always felt the need to watch this movie again. | ||||
Home | Damien Chazelle | La La Land | |
I saw this movie 8 years ago when it came out. In 2017, I already wrote that I liked it, for various reasons, but another reason I really like it is the music, by Justin Hurwitz. It's just excellent. | ||||
Home | Lawrence Michael Levine | Black Bear | |
Another movie I watched based on a recommendation by a David Lynch fan. Aubrey Plaza is great. It follows a structure vaguely similar to Mulholland Drive. It's more successful than Under the Silver Lake in that regard. | ||||
Home | John Badham | WarGames | |
I watched this movie when I was a child, probably in the late 1980s. I think I recorded it and watched it multiple times. The film explores several interesting themes: computer security, artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, and nuclear warfare. Looking back, its treatment of these subjects seems quite naive. | ||||
Home | Robert Altman | 3 Women | |
My first Robert Altman movie. Of all his films, I was only vaguely familiar with Prêt-à-Porter (the film's soundtrack includes a song by Prince called "Get Wild"), which ironically is considered one of his worst works. 3 Women is a slow but intriguing movie. All characters are weird and somewhat unlikeable. Even the music invokes strange feelings. This makes the movie a bit challenging to watch. Still, there's something mysteriously appealing. Like a painting I don't fully understand but can't stop looking at. There are probably at least 5-10 other movies by Altman I should watch. | ||||
Home | Jane Schoenbrun | I Saw the TV Glow | |
I didn't have the "key" to "decode" this film (i.e. the fact that it is about gender transitioning) and without that key it was pretty boring. In that sense, it's like a bad David Lynch movie - I don't think I've ever been bored by a David Lynch movie, even if I didn't understand anything. The last 10 minutes were pretty good, though. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Pedro Almodóvar | The Room Next Door | |
A fascinating subject that actually concerns everyone (death). The police officer's role at the end feels a bit cliché, and having the heroine's daughter played by the same actress is a bit... strange. | ||||
Home | David Robert Mitchell | Under the Silver Lake | |
What a weird movie! It tries very hard to be Mulholland Drive, but it obviously fails. Donnie Darko is also mentioned quite a lot. The funny scenes are not really funny. The nude/sex scenes seem a bit gratuitous. | ||||
Home | Peter Weir | Picnic at Hanging Rock | |
I watched this movie following a recommendation by a David Lynch fan. I was not disappointed. I only discovered who Peter Weir was after watching the film (i.e. director of Dead Poets Society, The Truman Show, etc.). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Gints Zilbalodis | Flow | |
We saw this film with our 6-year-old son, along with friends and their children. This was a very contemplative experience (no dialogue). This confirms yet again that I like post-apocalyptic movies (28 Days Later, The Road, A Quiet Place, the Times Square sequence in Vanilla Sky, etc.). There were several moments left open for interpretation, like the "rapture" scene or the ending with the whale (including the post-credits scene). Both of those moments have an obvious sad interpretation. Other moments were more heart-warming or even funny. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Wolfgang Petersen | The NeverEnding Story French: L'Histoire sans fin |
Vu avec notre fils de 6 ans. Il a aimé, mais ça n'est vraiment pas bon. Ça a mal vieilli et, à la base, ça ne volait déjà pas très haut. On peut pardonner la qualité des effets spéciaux, bien entendu, mais ça manque d'humour, de "magie" et les enfants ne jouent pas très bien. Version: French | ||||
Home | Cameron Crowe | Almost Famous | |
I watched the director's cut. A nice coming-of-age movie. Some people seem to love this movie. Maybe I missed something? | ||||
Home | Jordan Peele | Get Out | |
I really liked the first two thirds of the movie. The last third is more or less "standard horror stuff". | ||||
Home | Louisa Connolly-Burnham | The Call Centre | |
A dark short movie. | ||||
Home | Robert Bresson | Un condamné à mort s'est échappé | |
Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut. Un film étonnament simple et pourtant captivant, quasiment entièrement narré en voix off. | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Chris Sanders | The Wild Robot French: Le Robot sauvage |
Vu avec notre fils de 6 ans, qui a beaucoup aimé. C'est très bien fait. Il y a des émotions. L'histoire est relativement originale. La seule chose qui me dérange, finalement, est un problème très fréquent avec les dessins animés / films d'animation : en humanisant les animaux, on n'en rend que plus évident la cruauté et l'absurdité de la vie sauvage/naturelle. Le rapprochement mort/humour est un peu troublant. Version: French | ||||
Home | Alejandro Amenábar | The Others | |
Halfway through the movie, when the husband came back, I understood what was happening. And then, at two thirds of the movie, I realized that it was not the first time I was seeing it... I actually saw it when it came out, 22 years ago! That's quite funny. Anyway, it's not bad, far from it. But it's a very "easy-to-spoil" movie, like the other one with a very similar plot, from two years before. | ||||
Home | Jean-Luc Godard | À bout de souffle | |
Mon premier Godard. C'est très déroutant. Le côté décousu des dialogues. Le côté un peu "amateur" du tournage. Du côté de la Nouvelle Vague, j'avais bien plus aimé Cléo de 5 à 7 ou Les quatre cents coups. J'avais aussi été... troublé par La Pointe-courte, toujours d'Agnès Varda. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | The Shining | |
My first movie in 2 months and one I hadn't seen in 16 years. A recent episode of Very Bad Wizards made me realize that this is a masterpiece that I should watch more often. It's a disturbing, but beautifully filmed movie. | ||||
Home | Wes Anderson | The Grand Budapest Hotel | |
10 years later, I didn't remember much from the story. This was the movie that convinced us to watch all of Wes Anderson's filmography. | ||||
Home | Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson & Hamilton Luske | Peter Pan | |
Another movie we watched with our son. This is a classic, but with some violence, sexism, and stereotypes. Version: French | ||||
Home | Andrew Stanton | WALL·E | |
I saw WALL·E 16 years ago, when it came out. My son loved it. Version: French | ||||
Home | Ruben Östlund | Triangle of Sadness | |
I usually like slow movies. Not this time. The end (the part on the island) was pretty good, but the rest was a bit boring. And the captain's dinner scene was awful, of course. I understand what the director tried to do there, but he failed, I think. | ||||
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Mon voisin Totoro Japanese: Tonari no Totoro English: My Neighbor Totoro |
My son insisted to watch My Neighbor Totoro again, so I watched it with him, this time. This was the first time I saw it in 14 years. I think I liked it slighty more that the first time. Version: French | ||||
Home | Terry Gilliam | Brazil | |
My fifth Terry Gilliam movie. I liked the universe he created here. It's like a toy world, with pipes everywhere. It's very original, funny, sad, weird, and frightening at the same time. It's chaotic and poetic. | ||||
Home | Hal Ashby | Being There | |
I know that this is a comedy, a sort of critique of the political world, among other things, and that you're supposed to suspend disbelief, but it simply didn't work for me. It could be an excellent short movie, I guess, but here the joke goes on for too long. | ||||
Home | Denis Villeneuve | Dune: Part Two | |
An impressive movie, again. Denis Villeneuve is a fantastic director. I just find the Dune universe a bit boring. I hope he won't touch it again after his (rumored?) adaptation of Dune Messiah. | ||||
Home | Krzysztof Kieslowski | Trois couleurs : Blanc | |
Again, I didn't care for any of the characters. It's definitely a comedy, at times, but not openly funny and rather dark. | ||||
Home | Andrei Tarkovsky | Zerkalo English: Mirror |
My third Tarkovsky movie and one I should probably watch again. The fragmented timeline and mix of dreams and memories is something I should be familiar with (e.g. with David Lynch), but they made this movie a bit hard to watch for me. | ||||
Home | Christopher Nolan | Interstellar | |
Ten years later, I didn't remember much from the beginning of the movie. I didn't particularly like this idea that we can communicate between the future and the past (or that all times are simultaneously "accessible", like another physical dimension), because, well, it doesn't make any sense, but I liked all the ideas about black holes, wormholes, intergalactic travel, other planets, etc. This is a strangely paradoxical take on the future of humanity, where we have the technology to visit other galaxies and planets, and, at the same time, we don't have the technology to fix things on Earth (geoengineering, etc.). This is another thing that doesn't make sense to me, but, all in all, this is an excellent movie. | ||||
Home | Alfonso Cuarón | Gravity | |
I maybe like this movie more than I should. I'm not sure why exactly. First of all, it's a beautiful movie. In 2013, we saw it in 3D (when it was still a thing - is it still a thing?). It's more a movie about loss, acceptance, loneliness, and survival than a movie about space and technology. This is maybe why I like it. I don't particularly like "real science fiction". It usually bores me. | ||||
Home | Agnès Varda | Cléo de 5 à 7 | |
Le quatrième long métrage d'Agnès Varda que je regarde. J'ai aussi vu cinq de ses courts métrages. J'aime beaucoup sa sensibilité, très touchante. J'aime cette idée de suivre un personnage "en temps réel" durant la durée du film. C'est un exercice de style et à la fois très naturel. L'intervention de Michel Legrand, jouant un rôle de musicien, est amusante. Enfin, les scènes finales, la rencontre avec Antoine, ne sont pas sans rappeler Before Sunset : une rencontre simple, entre deux personnes, qui parlent de tout et se promènent dans une ville. Je peux facilement imaginer que Richard Linklater ait été influencé par Agnès Varda. | ||||
Home | Todd Field | Tár | |
I watched this movie after seing that Tamler and Dave from Very Bad Wizards dedicated an entire episode to it. So I watched it and then listened to the episode. Without much surprise, I missed a lot of things. It gave me a new perspective on the movie, which I should probably watch again. What's real? What's imagined/remembered? The movie has way more depth than I originally thought. | ||||
Home | Richard Kelly | Donnie Darko | |
What a weird movie. I had not heard about it until 2024. Is it a movie about mental illness? A science fiction movie? A movie about paranormal events? It's all of those and it also has a "teen movie" vibe, which, in my book, is not a good thing. | ||||
Home | Pete Docter & Ronaldo Del Carmen | Inside Out French: Vice Versa |
Watched with our son. A clever, funny, and touching movie. Version: French | ||||
Home | Andrei Tarkovsky | Solyaris English: Solaris |
My second Tarkovsky movie, after Stalker. This is a slow, intriguing movie. I'd probably need to watch it a second time to be a little less puzzled. | ||||
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | No Country For Old Men | |
The first time I watched this movie since 2008. I remember one of the people I was in the theater with being very stressed by some of the scenes. I can now see why. Violence aside, the film is excellent. Very gripping. Also more open-ended than expected. | ||||
Home | Andrei Tarkovsky | Stalker | |
Hearing Tamler and Dave from the Very Bad Wizards podcast discuss this movie made me watch it again, after watching it for the first time in 2021. This is a masterpiece, full of mystery, weirdly beautiful, disturbing, poetic. I don't know what it means exactly, but I know that movies are supposed to move you like Stalker does. This is what cinema is about. | ||||
Home | M. Night Shyamalan | The Sixth Sense | |
This was the second time I saw The Sixth Sense. The first time was in 2000, when the movie came out. I had never forgotten the plot twist, so watching the movie a second time, even 24 years later, was a special experience. I was more in an "analyzing" mode, somehow. The movie is still very good, I think, but it's definitely not one you want to watch often. | ||||
Home | Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred JacksonHamilton Luske | Alice in Wonderland French: Alice au pays des merveilles |
I read the book in December 2023. We watched the movie with our 5-year-old son. Visually, the film is good, but I'm just not a fan of the story. Many elements are absurd, but maybe not absurd or mysterious enough. Nothing's really funny either. And at the end, "it's just all a dream", so nothing really matters, right? Version: French | ||||
Home | Nishikant Kamat | Drishyam | |
I was prepared not to like this movie, because it's one of those Indian movies that keep entering and exiting the IMDb Top 250. I was pleasantly surprised. It's both clever and entertaining. The moral questions it raises are not completely obvious. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Yorgos Lanthimos | Poor Things | |
A disturbing experience, for sure. I still don't know what to think of it. Visually, this film is stunning. The music and sounds were definitely not pleasant. The sex scenes were also hard to watch. Not much eroticism here. I think I saw about 6-7 persons leave before the end of the film. | ||||
Home | Vidhu Vinod Chopra | 12th Fail | |
Yet another Indian movie that recently entered the IMDb Top 250 Movies. Not bad. | ||||
Home | Christopher Nolan | Oppenheimer | |
Obviously not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn't "connect" with it, somehow. No space to breathe. Too many people talking all the time. Too much information. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Takashi Yamazaki | Godzilla Minus One | |
Surprisingly deeper and way more moving than expected. | ||||
Home | Jun Falkenstein, Alex Mann & Bradley Raymond | Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas French: Mickey : Il était une fois Noël |
3 stories about Christmas. I saw this with my 5-year-old son. Version: French | ||||
Home | Kevin Costner | Dances with Wolves | |
I watched the long version, which is quite meditative. I especially liked the parts where Dunbar is alone in his camp. | ||||
Home | Milos Forman | Amadeus | |
I saw Amadeus in 1991, but I didn't remember much from the movie, which is a "fantasia on the theme of Mozart and Salieri" (according to Peter Shaffer). Definitely an entertaining movie. | ||||
Home | Ari Aster | Hereditary | |
That was pretty bad. I just wanted something light, but the story was really boring. | ||||
Home | Brad Bird | The Iron Giant | |
I can't wait to watch this very touching film again with my son. It was less funny, but also deeper than The Incredibles, which I saw the day before. | ||||
Home | Brad Bird | The Incredibles | |
That was a fun animation movie. I'll watch it again with my son in a few years. | ||||
Home | Park Chan-wook | Ah-ga-ssi English: The Handmaiden |
This is a rather beautifully filmed movie. I liked the idea of a story told multiple times, with plot twists. I'm not sure the "soft porn" scenes were necessary. | ||||
Home | Yann Samuell | Jeux d'enfants | |
A perfect case of form over substance. The main characters are perfectly unpleasant. The story doesn't really make sense. Anyway, this happens to be the movie my wife and I saw during our first date, on September 28, 2003. We had never watched it again since. We probably won't watch it again. | ||||
Home | T.J. Gnanavel | Jai Bhim | |
Some important themes: police violence, corruption, caste discrimination, etc. It took me a while to get into the film. All in all, a rather entertaining film. I was not a fan of the "lawyer as a superhero" imagery. | ||||
Home | Wes Anderson | Asteroid City | |
The consensus seems to be that this is a case of style over substance, that it looks like a cliché of a Wes Anderson movie, etc. I understand where these criticisms are coming from, but I wouldn't be as harsh. To me, it almost felt like a series of paintings. I liked the slow pace. The casting was also impressive, of course. Unlike Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, this is a film I'd happily watch a second time. | ||||
Home | Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers & Justin K. Thompson | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse | |
Visually, this movie is absolutly stunning. I really liked the previous Spider-Verse movie (2019), so I was prepared to like this one as well. I don't know if it was the fact that I was tired when watching it, but this film felt a bit too "dense" to me. Somes scenes contained too much "information": too many things to look at, too many special effects, too many things to listen to. It was a bit overwhelming. Maybe I should try to watch it again, but, at the same time, I don't feel the need to see this film again, unlike others. | ||||
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Gake no ue no Ponyo French: Ponyo sur la falaise |
My 5-year-old son's second Miyazaki movie, after My Neighbor Totoro, which he saw with my wife. Ponyo is clearly more children-oriented. It is still imbued with Miyazaki's themes/poetry, but it is not as breathtaking as some of his other films. Version: French | ||||
Home | Çagan Irmak | Babam ve Oglum English: My Father and My Son |
I'm a father and a son. It's a touching film that really spoke to me. | ||||
Home | Leigh Whannell | The Invisible Man | |
A movie I watched just for fun. Not bad, but also quite predictable for the most part. The ending was a bit better, with some welcome twists. | ||||
Home | Louis C.K. | Fourth of July | |
I'm a fan of Louis C.K.'s work (Louie, Horace and Pete, etc.). I really liked this movie. It has an Allenesque feel to it. I must admit I watched this movie because of the Sam Harris scene. | ||||
Home | Robert Wise | The Sound of Music | |
This is a kind of guilty pleasure. It's hard not to succumb to the joyous tone of this movie. | ||||
Home | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | Amores Perros | |
It took me a while to realize I had already seen this movie when it was released. I watched it again anyway. The scenes with the dog fights are hard to watch. The movie really gets interesting when the different characters are introduced (like chapters in a book). | ||||
Home | Ron Clements & John Musker | Aladdin | |
A movie we watched with our son. A classic. Version: French | ||||
Home | Mathieu Kassovitz | La haine | |
I had never heard of that movie before. Yet another film which raises issues that are still relevant today. The story moves subtly between drama and comedy. The toilet scene is a perfect example of surreal comedy. | ||||
Home | Andrew Niccol | Gattaca | |
I think I must I've seen Gattaca when it came out in 1997 (it's currently missing in my list, for some reason). The issues raised by this film are still relevant today, but there's something missing to make it a true science fiction classic. | ||||
Home | Lasse Hallström | Hachi: A Dog's Tale | |
One of those movies that try hard to make you cry. It kind of worked. It's a nice story. We saw Hachikō's statue in Shibuya in 2017, but I forgot that the movie was inspired by that dog. | ||||
Home | James Mangold | Logan | |
Not a bad movie, I guess, but it left me completely cold. The fact that I had never seen any other X-Men movie probably didn't help. | ||||
Les Mutin.e.s, Lausanne | Max Lang & Daniel Snaddon | The Snail and the Whale French: La Baleine et l’Escargote |
A nice and beautiful short movie for children. Version: French | ||||
Les Mutin.e.s, Lausanne | Aliona Baranova | Lístek English: Lístek |
Preceded by two episodes of Rita et Crocodile: "Rita et Crocodile au zoo" and "Rita et Crocodile à la piscine". | ||||
Home | Fede Alvarez | Don't Breathe | |
Unlikeable characters doing stupid things in implausible situations. I knew I wasn't going to see a masterpiece, but that was still a disappointing experience. | ||||
Home | Franklin J. Schaffner | Planet of the Apes | |
A classic. An entertaining movie with a simple message: humans might be screwing it up (atomic bombs, wars, unrestricted artificial intelligence, etc. - you get the idea). I watched it knowing the ending, so it kind of ruined the fun of it. | ||||
Home | Tom McCarthy | Spotlight | |
Not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but a rather "dry" one, in the sense that it's informative. You really feel that it's a film inspired by true events and that it doesn't aspire to be entertaining or shocking. | ||||
Home | Ron Howard | Rush | |
I watched this film just a couple of weeks after watching Ford v Ferrari. Both movies are about racing and competition. Both are based on a true story. They obviously share a lof of common elements. I guess Ford v Ferrari was slightly more entertaining and less realistic (?). All in all, not really my cup of tea, but quite entertaining. | ||||
Home | Terry George | Hotel Rwanda | |
Another movie that I found hard to watch (the third this month), but that I liked. I was not really familiar with the Rwandan genocide. Up until now, it was just an abstraction. Seeing what it actually means, although only partially, is devasting. | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Gottfried Mentor | Lämmer | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Ana Chubinidze | Le Petit Bonhomme de poche | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Yulia Aronova | Eskimo | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Sami Guellaï & Mohamed Fadera | Tulkou | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Natalia Chernysheva | Snežinka | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Sylvie Zijlmans | Ik de jouwe, jij de mijne | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance planète | ||||
Home | James Mangold | Ford v Ferrari | |
I'm not a fan of racing cars, so I didn't expect to enjoy this movie. But I did enjoy it. It was entertaining. Matt Damon and Christian Bale are both perfect in their (slightly stereotypical and/or over-the-top) roles. | ||||
Home | Mel Gibson | Hacksaw Ridge | |
Desmond Doss is a true hero, but, in the movie, he's often an insufferable character (to me at least). The way he naively clings to his principles, without thinking about the consequences of his acts, is frustrating. The combat scenes are also hard to watch. I guess they're very realistic, which means that they're very gory/violent. All in all, I can't say I enjoyed this movie a lot, although it's technically a good movie. | ||||
Home | Steve McQueen | 12 Years a Slave | |
This was a hard movie to watch. It's hard to imagine that slavery could be a thing so little time ago. | ||||
Home | Gavin O'Connor | Warrior | |
A movie with a lot of testosterone and patriotism. You can guess what will happen at the end quite early. I guess it's still an entertaining movie, but it left me with a kind of empty feeling. | ||||
Home | Juan José Campanella | El secreto de sus ojos English: The Secret in Their Eyes |
A story about justice, corruption, retribution, love, and more. | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Cao Hamburger | O Menino, a Favela e as Tampas de Panela French: Zézé |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Per Carleson | Kvinnokraft English: Girl Power |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Julia Ocker | Zebra | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Anna Kritskaya | Dubak | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | André Leduc & Bernard Longpré | Monsieur Pointu | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Borivoj Zeman & Karel Zeman | Vánocní sen French: Rêve de Noël |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Cinéma d'Echallens, Echallens | Auguste Lumière & Louis Lumière | Les Acrobates | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance histoire | ||||
Home | Ron Howard | A Beautiful Mind | |
An unrealistic, but rather entertaining movie about the life of John Nash. | ||||
Home | Mike Flanagan | Doctor Sleep | |
As a fan of The Shining and Stanley Kubrick in general, I was drawn to Doctor Sleep because I heard that some scenes/places from The Shining were visually recreated in it, which is indeed the case. It's an interesting exercise, although it's a bit weird to see different actors than Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, etc. Other than that, I guess the story is okay. The action is a bit slow and it's hard to really care about any of the characters. As a parent, I found it hard to watch the scene where the boy was murdered, though. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Danny Boyle | 28 Days Later | |
I really like post-apocalyptic movies. This one has just the right balance of plausible elements and pure zombie/horror-movie aspects. I didn't remember much from my first viewing in 2003, but the story is really satisfying. It's definitely less depressing than The Road or A Quiet Place. The scenes with an empty London are impressive (just like the scene with an empty Times Square in Vanilla Sky). | ||||
Home | Peter Weir | The Truman Show | |
I really liked this movie when I saw it in 1998 and 2008. This time, I watched it dubbed in French with my parents. It was a less pleasing experience. The dubbing (like all dubbings) is awful, but I was also less convinced by Jim Carrey's acting and I spent some of the movie pondering about the plausibility of the whole affair (actors spending decades playing the same role, possibly with no or little personal life, etc.). Yes, I know, the movie is supposed to be more of a comedy, critical of television and viewers alike, but I couldn't help it. Version: French | ||||
Home | Danny Boyle | Sunshine | |
I first saw Sunshine in 2007, when it was released. It's almost an excellent science fiction movie, but something's missing. You don't really care about any of the characters. Also, the very premise of the movie, i.e. the fact that the mission has to involve a human crew and could not be entirely automated, is fishy at best. | ||||
Home | Cameron Crowe | Vanilla Sky | |
I saw Vanilla Sky twice in 2002. I especially remember the impressive opening scene (Times Square, etc.) and the John Coltrane hologram. All in all, this is a thought-provoking movie. It's a bit reminiscent of Matrix: would you rather live a simulated and happy life, or a real life? | ||||
Home | Joseph Kosinski | Top Gun: Maverick | |
I find some movies hard to watch, but they somehow change me or leave me with the feeling that I might revisit them someday in the future (e.g. La bataille d'Alger). Some movies are entertaining, but I forget everything about them a few weeks/months later. Top Gun: Maverick falls in that category. It's not bad. It's well done. It's fun. But it's pretty forgettable as well. | ||||
Home | Gillo Pontecorvo | La battaglia di Algeri French: La bataille d'Alger |
I knew I was watching something important, but I found it hard to feel anything while watching this movie. There's something odd about it. | ||||
Lux, Sion | Lukas Dhont | Close | |
Objectively a very beautiful movie, with a breathtaking cinematography. I understand why it won the Palme d'Or. For some reason, though, it didn't move me the way it was supposed to do. I didn't cry and I'm the kind of person who cry easily when watching a movie. I don't know why. | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Julia Ocker | Elephant | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Roza Kolchagova | Baba | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Lynn Gerlach & Irmgard Walthert | Mahlzeit French: Repas |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Frank Braun & Claudius Gentinetta | Die Seilbahn | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Marek Beneš | Pat a Mat: Kopají bazén French: Pat et Mat: la piscine |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Johannes Weiland & Uwe Heidschötter | Der Kleine und das Biest French: Le Petit Garçon et le monstre |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Cinéma Bel-Air, Yverdon | Conor Finnegan | Fluffy McCloud | |
La Petite Lanterne : séance émotions | ||||
Home | Douglas Trumbull | Brainstorm | |
I became obsessed with that movie when I was 10 years old. I recorded it on VHS tape (or my brother did) when it was broadcast on FR3 on December 17, 1990. I don't know if I watched it only once then or multiple times. Anyway, I had probably not watched it in 31 years. I since learnt the context in which it was filmed (Natalie Wood's death, Douglas Trumbull's "retirement" after the movie, etc.). Yes, it has its faults and I'm not a fan of the hell/heaven scene, but it's still an intriguing and entertaining movie. | ||||
Home | Neil Marshall | The Descent | |
I quite liked the first half of the movie, but not the second part (the goblins/gory part). This is probably the other way round for most people. The very end was pretty good. | ||||
Home | Percy Adlon | Bagdad Café | |
I first saw this movie around 1995. The only thing I remembered was the song "Calling You". I'm a Prince fan, so I know it's sung by Jevetta Steele, who worked with Prince between 1989 and 1994 (often as part of The Steeles). The movie itself kind of disappointed me. I liked the overall tone and cinematography, but the comedic/light elements were a bit off-putting. | ||||
Home | Stuart Rosenberg | Cool Hand Luke | |
An excellent surprise! I was expecting the usual "prison movie", but Paul Newman's character keeps behaving in perplexing, but still kind-of-charming ways. He's an anti-conformist, but also an anti-hero, which gives the movie a very moving tone. | ||||
Home | John Ford | The Grapes of Wrath | |
A moving film about a poor family during the Great Depression. I liked the scene with the mother and son at the end. I don't know if it's in the book as well, but I liked this idea of "universal consciousness", of being part of humanity, of something bigger than ourselves. | ||||
Home | Oliver Stone | Platoon | |
Another movie about the absurdity and atrocities of war. Some scenes were hard to watch. One of Johnny Depp's earliest appearances. I was also surprised to learn that Corey Glover (from Living Colour) played in that movie. | ||||
Home | William Wyler | The Best Years of Our Lives | |
Three American veterans come back to their families after World War II and have to fight their demons. Nowadays I guess we would say they suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It's cruel to see that, at the time, they have to deal with those situations almost alone, without any help from the government, from doctors, etc. All in all, a very moving movie dealing with important topics. | ||||
Home | Jim Sheridan | In the Name of the Father | |
Since watching the movie, I've learnt that the story was highly romanticized (compared to what really happened). I'm not surprised. Still, I've found it very entertaining, even touching at times. | ||||
Home | John G. Avildsen | Rocky | |
I've known about Rocky since I was a child, but I had never actually seen it, for some reason. It's a simple, almost naive, but enjoyable story. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kramer | Judgment at Nuremberg | |
A powerful movie about World War II, the role of justice, moral responsability, etc. that leaves the viewer with more questions than answers. | ||||
Home | Damián Szifron | Relatos salvajes | |
Is this a feature film? Is this six episodes of a TV show shown back-to-back? In any case, it's definitely entertaining. The last part (the wedding) is a masterpiece of surreal/dark humor. | ||||
Home | John Krasinski | A Quiet Place Part II | |
Not bad, but slightly less entertaining than the first. I kind of expected the Alien-like twist with the boat. I don't know if it was supposed to be a reference or just lazy writing. | ||||
Home | John Krasinski | A Quiet Place | |
Just what I needed, i.e. something a bit light, not from a "top movies" list. I like post-apocalyptic fiction. Of course, there are always inconsistencies and elements that don't make sense, but they don't bother me too much in that particular genre, for some reason. | ||||
Home | Michael Cimino | The Deer Hunter | |
A poignant story about what war does to people, their friends, and communities. The cast is absolutely superb (Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, etc.). The contrast between the beautiful, bright scenes in the mountains, and the dark, chaotic scenes in Vietnam is striking and gives the movie a very dynamic and intriguing quality. | ||||
Home | Martin Scorsese | Raging Bull | |
See comments for Casino. | ||||
Home | Jon Watts | Spider-Man: No Way Home | |
Not a bad movie, but I'm probably getting too old for superhero movies. Without even knowing it, I saw the 2002 Spider-Man exactly 20 years before to the day! | ||||
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | Rebecca | |
Another masterpiece by Alfred Hitchcock, mixing different genres (romance, mystery, crime, etc.). | ||||
Home | Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheinert | Everything Everywhere All at Once | |
I don't know what happened. This is definitely not a bad movie, but something didn't work for me. I don't know what exactly. I was regularly more bored than entertained. Maybe the movie tried too much to be funny or absurd. Maybe it was the vulgarity. | ||||
Home | Carl Theodor Dreyer | La passion de Jeanne d'Arc | |
A breathtaking movie with an incredible cinematography. It's almost like watching a series of still photos or paintings. | ||||
Home | Satoshi Kon | Millennium Actress Japanese: Sennen joyû |
A movie I watched thanks to the Very Bad Wizards podcast. I was familiar with Paprika, which I haven't watched yet, but had never heard of Millennium Actress. I liked the dream-like quality of most of the movie, as well as the existentialist themes (i.e. the almost too simplistic "it's not the destination, it's the journey" message). | ||||
Home | George Miller | Mad Max: Fury Road | |
This is a weird one. I shouldn't actually like this movie and I feel that somehow it shouldn't be in IMDB's top 250. The dialogues and the story itself are quite superficial. At the same time, it has a kind of hypnotic quality that I find hard to define. | ||||
Home | William Wyler | Ben-Hur | |
A classic among classics. I've known about Ben-Hur for a very long time, but I don't think I had ever seen a single scene from that movie. I didn't even know Jesus was a character in the movie. | ||||
Home | Henri-Georges Clouzot | Le salaire de la peur | |
The different languages (French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, and Russian) immediately gave me that exotic/quirky feeling that lasted until the very end of the movie. The ending scene itself was completely unexpected and is apparently a bit controversed, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. This movie captures what money and fear can do to men. And also, I guess, what unbounded capitalism can lead to. | ||||
Home | Denis Villeneuve | Blade Runner 2049 | |
I loved the movie from a visual and sonic perspective, but failed to find the story particularly captivating. | ||||
Home | Bong Joon Ho | Salinui chueok English: Memories of Murder |
My second Bong Joon Ho movie. This is probably a movie I need to watch again one day. I didn't really "get" the weird mix of humor and violence. | ||||
Home | David Lean | The Bridge on the River Kwai | |
An entertaining movie about the madness of war and honor. | ||||
Home | Ole Giæver & Marte Vold | Mot naturen English: Out of Nature |
A light movie about middle age and nature. | ||||
Home | Lars von Trier | Melancholia | |
I saw this movie at a movie theatre a bit more than 10 years ago and was very impressed by it. This is a breathtaking movie about major depression, the meaning of life, and our cosmic insignificance. | ||||
Home | Thomas Kail | Hamilton | |
Not a "real movie", but a musical. Far from bad, of course, but you have to be into American history. | ||||
Home | Danny Boyle | Yesterday | |
"A world without the Beatles is a world that's infinitely worse." An average, but fun movie. | ||||
Home | Frank Capra | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | |
A very original movie and a fantastic performance by James Stewart. | ||||
Home | Denis Villeneuve | Prisoners | |
Two weird things about this movie: 1) I'm pretty sure I saw bits and pieces of it (maybe because my wife watched in on TV many years ago?) 2) I didn't know it was directed by Denis Villeneuve until the closing credits, but it immediately made sense. A captivating movie, especially if you have young children. | ||||
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | Dial M for Murder | |
My sixth Alfred Hitchcock movie (at least). A straight, simple story, almost taking place in a single location (like a play). | ||||
Home | John Sturges | The Great Escape | |
Definitely an entertaining movie and definitely a different atmosphere than Come and See, also about World War II, which I saw the month before. To compare this movie to yet another one: this is less obvious than in La vita è bella, but the comedic elements are a bit weird, especially given the ending. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Katerina Vykhodseva | Pirouette et le sapin de Noël | |
Our second time at the movie theater with our son. Preceded by 6 other short movies: Lapin des neiges (Lee Ruby & Yi Hyeon-Jin), Conte d’une nuit (Maria Stepanova), La Moufle (Roman Katchano), Lièvres des neiges (Yelizaveta & Polina Manokhina), Rita et Crocodile: La luge (Siri Melchior), and Rita et Crocodile: Au ski (Siri Melchior). | ||||
Home | Jean-Jacques Annaud | The Name of the Rose | |
I was expecting a very simplified version of the story compared to the book, but the almost-happy ending still surprised me. I'm pretty sure I first saw this movie around 1994-95. If I remember correctly, it was shown to us by a canon/priest from the Abbey of Saint-Maurice d'Agaune. | ||||
Lux, Sion | Marie Amiguet & Vincent Munier | La panthère des neiges | |
The very first scene left me in a kind of depressed state: a baby yak getting violently killed (by wolves?) right in front of his mother. The whole scene was shot from very far, so you don't see much, but it left me with that idea that, no, nature is not only beautiful. It is also violent and cruel. Animals spend almost their whole lifes surviving, eating other animals, or being eaten. The rest of the movie is quite different. It is peaceful and beautiful. It inspires us to stop our crazy lives and reconnect (even only a little) with nature. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Ingmar Bergman | Höstsonaten English: Autumn Sonata |
My fourth Ingmar Bergman movie. As a parent of a young child, it resonated with me, in the sense that I found myself strongly not wanting to be like those two women. It's not a particularly fun movie to watch, for that reason, but also because I felt that it could be a play instead of a movie. There's a claustrophobic aspect to it, I guess. | ||||
Home | François Truffaut | Fahrenheit 451 | |
I wanted to like this movie, but, having finished the book just a couple of weeks before, this was a weird experience. Truffaut's adaptation was very different than the "eerie and dream-like images" the book conjured up in my mind. Too concrete, I guess. The book works as a symbolic story. The movie has to present concrete characters and situations to the viewer. It doesn't really work, in my opinion. Especially the ending, with the "book people". | ||||
Home | Elem Klimov | Idi i smotri English: Come and See |
Probably the most violent/disturbing movie I've seen about war. A lot of scenes are hard to watch. Of course, I'm not a fan of the scene where a cow is actually killed and filmed dying/suffering. This is not something that should happen in the name of art. Some young children were also apparently quite shocked during one other scene. I'm wondering how many hours of psychotherapy were needed by some of the actors who played in that movie... I understand why some people consider this movie a classic, but it's too upsetting/shocking to be one, in my opinion. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Isabelle Favez | Zibilla | |
My son's first (short) movie at the movie theater. Preceded by 6 other short movies: Whale (Maryna Shchipak), Zebra (Julia Ocker), Le tigre sans rayures (Raúl Robin Alejandro Morales Reyes), Le Petit Bonhomme de poche (Ana Chubinidze), Le dernier jour d’automne (Marjolaine Perreten) and Kuap (Nils Hedinger). | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Wes Anderson | The French Dispatch | |
I find some of the reviews for this movie to be a bit harsh. Yes, the story is a bit hard to follow at times and some of the scenes are dense (in the sense that there are too many things to parse in a short amount of time), but I actually liked that sense of confusion. I generally like movies that make me a bit uncomfortable. It's also a fun and absurd movie, and it's precisely why I like Wes Anderson in the first place. | ||||
Home | Michael Haneke | Caché | |
I decided to watch this movie because a recent episode of the Very Bad Wizards podcast is dedicated to it. After watching maybe half of it, I realized I had already seen it (in 2005, I guess not long after it was released). It's a good movie. I especially like the open-ended ending. | ||||
Home | Richard Linklater | Dazed and Confused | |
Yet another movie from Dave Pizarro's top 5 comfort movies. Richard Linklater seems to be an uneven director. I discovered him with Boyhood, which really impressed me. The Before trilogy is also excellent. I really liked Waking Life as well. Dazed and Confused is not bad, but it's definitely not in the same league as those other movies. And then, there's the rest of his filmography, but that's another story... | ||||
Home | Mike Judge | Office Space | |
Another movie from Dave Pizarro's top 5 comfort movies. A good choice as well. | ||||
Home | Luis Buñuel | Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie | |
The only thing by Luis Buñuel that I had previously seen was Un chien andalou, which I saw at the Dalí Museum in Berlin. Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie is very different. 33 years separate those two films, after all. It's a very weird movie. Everything seems so unreal. Absurd things happen and the main characters accept them without much resistance. They just keep on living, eating, dreaming... and walking on that empty road. | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Denis Villeneuve | Dune | |
I don't remember much from Lynch's version of Dune, which I saw in 2004, but this version is quite impressive, especially the sound effects (quite similar to the ones in Arrival, if I remember correctly). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Joachim Trier | Verdens verste menneske English: The Worst Person in the World |
It touches on too many topics to be a classic, but it's a good movie about the search for meaning in life through love, sex, living with someone, work, children, etc. | ||||
Home | Agnès Varda & JR | Visages, villages | |
"- Est-ce qu'il y a un but ou c'est, heu... - Le but, c'est le pouvoir de l'imagination." Un film plein de poésie, qui questionne le rôle de l'art, en particulier dans le "grand public". | ||||
Home | John Hughes | Ferris Bueller's Day Off | |
I'm pretty sure I've already seen portions of that movie. At least the last 10-15 minutes. I've watched it because Dave from the Very Bad Wizards podcast listed it in his top 5 comfort movies. I can see why now. | ||||
Home | Ernst Lubitsch | To Be or Not to Be | |
"The plot concerns a troupe of actors in Nazi-occupied Warsaw who use their abilities at disguise and acting to fool the occupying troops". A (funny) comedy from 1942. I was shocked to read that the main actress (Carole Lombard) was killed in a plane crash before the movie was released. | ||||
Home | Tomm Moore | Song of the Sea | |
A beautiful animation movie. Something we should watch again with our son someday. | ||||
Home | Elia Kazan | On the Waterfront | |
If only all priests were like Father Barry. :) Another movie about fixing corrupt systems. | ||||
Home | Krzysztof Kieslowski | Trois couleurs : Bleu | |
The first movie of the Trois couleurs trilogy. It failed to catch my full attention. I don't know why exactly. Maybe because I didn't care at all for the main character. | ||||
Home | Pierre-Paul Renders | Thomas est amoureux | |
I'm not sure why, but I remember being quite impressed when I first saw this movie in 2001. 20 years later, I find it a bit cringey and simplistic. I still like the general form and concept, though. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Chloé Zhao | Nomadland | |
I read some user reviews on IMDb saying that this movie was boring, that not much was happening, etc. This is exactly why I liked it. Not much is happening, indeed, but it's still a beautiful movie. What does "home" mean? Does it have something to do with a house (i.e. the object)? Its location? The people you live with? Something else? | ||||
Home | Martin Scorsese | Casino | |
This is objectively a good movie. Like many other Scorsese movies, it's just not for me. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Yojimbo | |
My sixth Kurosawa movie. Simple, fun, at times comical. | ||||
Home | Richard Linklater | Before Midnight | |
Not a bad movie. Everything that happens is quite logical. Love cannot stay as intense as in the beginning. Children will always cause problems in the couple at one point or another. It's realistic, but, at the same time, it's also a bit less enjoyable than the two other movies in the trilogy. Also, I hope it won't sound too sexist, but Celine has become really unlikeable. | ||||
Home | Richard Linklater | Before Sunset | |
I would have to re-watch all three movies in the trilogy, but I feel Before Sunset is as strong as Before Sunrise. I really like this format: two persons talking about life, love, the meaning of things, etc. It also really captures something from my youth (my interest in philosophy, European cities, etc.). | ||||
Home | Paul Thomas Anderson | There Will Be Blood | |
It's difficult to sympathize with the main characters. They're both unlikeable, in different ways. It's difficult to say why exactly, but this movie left me with a feeling of emptiness. | ||||
Home | Florian Zeller | The Father | |
Watching this movie was hard and disturbing, but Anthony Hopkins' performance is brilliant. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Barry Lyndon | |
I was ready to be bored (a 3-hour movie with costumes and all), but I was not. This movie is brilliant. | ||||
Home | Clint Eastwood | Unforgiven | |
What if westerns were real? | ||||
Home | Curtis Hanson | L.A. Confidential | |
How do you fix a corrupt system from the inside? Can you do it by not being corrupt yourself? | ||||
Home | Michael Mann | Heat | |
A movie with Al Pacino and Robert de Niro. Isn't that enough? I usually don't like gangster/crime movies, but that one was good. | ||||
Home | John Huston | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre | |
Howard is the most stoical character I've seen in a movie in a long time. After having lost all their gold: "It's a great joke played on us by the Lord, or fate, or nature, whatever you prefer. But whoever or whatever played it certainly had a sense of humor!" (laughing uncontrollably). | ||||
Home | Robert Eggers | The Lighthouse | |
Technically impressive, but I didn't care at all about the main characters, which made that movie a bit frustrating. | ||||
Home | Frank Capra | It Happened One Night | |
A fun movie, with many moments/scenes that couldn't exist in a recent movie (see Pre-Code Hollywood). | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | |
Yet another film to see with my son someday. Not bad. | ||||
Home | Kar-Wai Wong | In the Mood for Love | |
I was a bit tired when watching this film, but, still, I was really impressed by the cinematography. It's really a visually beautiful movie. A lot of scenes are like paintings. I should watch it again someday. | ||||
Home | John McTiernan | Die Hard | |
An entertaining, but quite violent movie. Definitely of its time, with car phones and cassettes. | ||||
Home | Corina Schwingruber Ilić | All Inclusive | |
"Le court du mois d'avril est l'excellent documentaire All Inclusive de Corina Schwingruber Ilić, à voir peut-être comme un film d'anticipation. Sélectionné pour sa première mondiale à la Mostra de Venise 2018 puis dans plus de 100 festivals, All Inclusive a notamment gagné le Prix du cinéma suisse 2019 du meilleur court métrage." | ||||
Home | Andrei Tarkovsky | Stalker | |
I can see why people find this movie too long or boring. At this point in my life, I probably have enough patience to watch a tree grow for several hours, so the slow pace didn't bother me. Anyway, this was my first Tarkovsky movie and it really intrigued me, from start to finish. The colors, the weird imagery, the constant mystery, the actors looking directly at the camera, etc. It kind of reminded me of Ingmar Bergman and David Lynch at the same time, but I have the feeling that Tarkovsky's movies are a little more resistant to rational analysis (than e.g. Lynch's). | ||||
Home | Sergio Pablos & Carlos Martínez López | Klaus | |
Not bad, but definitely less sophisticated than animated films such as Soul, for example. This is, again, something we should watch with our son in a few years. | ||||
Home | Majid Majidi | Bacheha-Ye aseman English: Children of Heaven |
Not a bad movie, but a children move nevertheless. I guess I should watch it again in a few years with my son. | ||||
Home | Peter Farrelly | Green Book | |
Another movie I would put in the "Not bad but..." category. You don't have to be familiar with Don Shirley's life to know that this movie is overromanticized. Too many "feel good" / cliché moments. | ||||
Home | John Carpenter | The Thing | |
It's difficult not to think of Alien when watching The Thing. I know a lot of people prefer the latter over the former, but I'm not one of them. I found The Thing to be a bit boring / cheap-looking. It could be a good 20-minute short film, I guess | ||||
Home | Satyajit Ray | Pather Panchali | |
The first movie in the Apu trilogy. I was kind of expecting a happy ending, but it didn't happen. Still, this is a very touching movie. The story is simple. The pace is slow, but it didn't bother me (I'm a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey, after all). The music by Ravi Shankar was also really nice. | ||||
Home | Maja Gehrig | Average Happiness | |
"Parmi de nombreux prix et sélections en Suisse et dans le monde, ce court métrage a été couronné Prix du cinéma suisse du meilleur film d'animation en 2020. Il a également fait partie de la dernière Tournée romande de la Nuit du Court métrage." Not bad. It's a bit trippy. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Duel | |
I'm pretty sure I saw this on television a long time ago. Maybe with my dad. It's based on a very simple idea, but it's very well done. It's a really fun movie. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Ran | |
I can't say I've understood everything, but this is such a beautiful movie. Even (especially?) the battle scenes. | ||||
Home | Pete Docter & Kemp Powers | Soul | |
Setting aside the religious aspect of the movie (which is not serious at all), it's an a amazing movie. It's visually stunning and deeper than expected. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger | The Red Shoes | |
The surreal/dreamlike middle section (The Ballet of the Red Shoes) is a masterpiece in itself. | ||||
Home | Chuck Jones | Duck Amuck | |
Is a cartoon character aware that she/he is in a cartoon? Sometimes, yes. | ||||
Home | Guy Ritchie | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | |
A comedy / gangster movie. It works. I liked the cinematography. I'm not sure Sting added anything to the movie, though. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | What Did Jack Do? | |
Not the greatest thing David Lynch has ever done, but that was somewhat fun. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Tengoku to jigoku English: High and Low |
I'm usually not a fan of the police/detective genre, but this was particularly good. The last scene is unsettling. | ||||
Home | Noah Baumbach | Marriage Story | |
"Noah Baumbach's incisive and compassionate look at a marriage breaking up and a family staying together." (IMDb) It's a bit cliché at times, but it's also funny and moving. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Jaws | |
A classic. Very entertaining. Definitely not a bad movie. But it's a bit naive in some ways. Let's face it, it's mainly based on two ideas: 1) sharks are frightening 2) some (bad) people value money more than people's lives. | ||||
Home | Denis Villeneuve | Incendies | |
For some reason, I wasn't particularly moved by this movie. The ending was unexpected. Incidentally, it's one of those movies that you cannot really watch twice because of the plot twist. | ||||
Home | Francis Ford Coppola | The Conversation | |
Definitely not an action-packed movie. It's full of mystery, very well done, and about an original theme/topic. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Nathan Grossman | I Am Greta | |
This movie is currently rated 3.1/10 with 684 reviews on IMDb. It's definitely not that bad, but I'm still not sure what to really think of it, mainly because I didn't know much about Greta Thunberg before that movie. What happened to her was really weird. It shows that there's no "recipe for virality". She was at the right place, at the right moment, with the right personality traits. And, no, after watching this documentary, I don't think she was manipulated by her parents. Politicians tried to use her, that's for sure. It didn't really work. They all look like buffoons here. | ||||
Home | Don Hertzfeldt | World of Tomorrow | |
I think I kind of watched this two years ago. I gave it my full attention, this time. It's excellent, but a bit depressing. Remind me not to watch too many Don Hertzfeldt movies in a row. | ||||
Home | Don Hertzfeldt | It's Such a Beautiful Day | |
That was quite intense. I didn't expect something as difficult to watch as this. | ||||
Home | Sidney Lumet | Network | |
Way before social media were trying to keep our attention to sell us ads, without any ethical concerns, television was doing the same. This movie was meant as satire, though. Reality is sometimes (often?) surprising. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Jurassic Park | |
An entertaining movie. I must have seen it at least once in its entirety, probably a long time ago on television. | ||||
Home | Danny Boyle | Trainspotting | |
I'm not a fan of the scatological elements of the movie. Other than that, it's a good movie about what it means to "live life" or, rather, not living it and succumbing to drugs, violence, etc. | ||||
Home | Ingmar Bergman | Persona | |
What did I just see? | ||||
Home | Dziga Vertov | Chelovek s kino-apparatom English: Man with a Movie Camera |
A Russian experimental movie from 1929. No scenario. No intertitles. To be honest, it didn't sound very exciting to me. It took me a while to get used to the frenetic rhythm of the movie. And then it clicked. This is really a fantastic and important movie. Or experiment, I don't know, but it doesn't matter. | ||||
Home | Vince Gilligan | El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie | |
It wasn't a bad movie, but I don't see the point of it either. It was like seing two weaker episodes of the show. | ||||
Home | Buster Keaton | Sherlock Jr. | |
This 96-year-old movie is impressive and funny. I need to watch more Buster Keaton movies. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Nora Fingscheidt | Systemsprenger French: Benni |
A very moving, heartbreaking, and, yes, tough movie. I guess this is reality for many people and I feel grateful for all the efforts social workers, teachers, etc. are doing to make the life of children like Benni a little bit better. | ||||
Home | Richard Linklater | Waking Life | |
Very original. Something I might want to watch again quite soon. Some quotes from the movie: Wikiquote. | ||||
Home | Naoko Yamada | A Silent Voice Japanese: Koe no katachi |
I expected a teenage romance movie. We got a movie about bullying, depression, and suicide, among other themes. Pretty good. | ||||
Home | Ingmar Bergman | Wild Strawberries Swedish: Smultronstället |
I really like movies with dream sequences. This is probably a more relatable movie than The Seventh Seal, but so far I think I can say I'm a fan of Bergman. | ||||
Home | Marcel Carné | Les Enfants du Paradis | |
"C'est vieux comme le monde, ça, la nouveauté." Un film qui pourrait me réconcilier avec le cinéma français. En tout cas celui d'une certaine époque. Un scénario de Jacques Prévert et des acteurs "d'un autre temps", mais vraiment remarquables : ce film est vraiment très différent de tout ce que j'ai pu voir récemment. | ||||
Home | Louie Schwartzberg | Fantastic Fungi | |
This documentary is filled with absolutely stunning images of fungi/mushrooms. I've always found the idea of "forest-wide communication network" fascinating (i.e. populations of trees communicating via the mycelium). I was already familiar with Michael Pollan (I've read his book). And then there is Paul Stamets. I'm not sure what I think of him. He sounds like a very nice guy, with very interesting ideas, but there's a kind of cult of personality around him that's off-putting. | ||||
Home | Billy Wilder | The Apartment | |
My fifth Billy Wilder movie. A comedy, with some serious themes (the toxicity of corporate environments, sexism, suicide, etc.). | ||||
Home | Stanley Nelson | Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool | |
A 2-hour documentary about the life and music of Miles Davis is almost an impossible task. It's bound to miss a lot of things. But this documentary is still pretty good. It doesn't even mention some of my favorite albums (Jack Johnson, Agharta, etc.), but I really like how it uses photographs (a lof of them I think I have never seen?). | ||||
Home | Ingmar Bergman | The Seventh Seal Swedish: Det sjunde inseglet |
My first Ingmar Bergman movie. A true classic. I sadly learned that Max von Sydow died a few weeks ago at the age of 90. He was a fantastic actor, obviously. | ||||
Home | Yasujirô Ozu | Tokyo Story Japanese: Tôkyô monogatari |
Appreciate your parents while they are still alive, etc. A simple and moving story. | ||||
Home | Ivan Reitman | Ghostbusters | |
It was (almost) funny. Or maybe I was too tired, I don't know. | ||||
Home | Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Mervyn LeRoy, Norman Taurog. Richard Thorpe & King Vidor | The Wizard of Oz | |
This movie was an inspiration for Keith Jarrett ("Over the Rainbow") and Prince ("It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night"), two of my musical idols. It's certainly a classic, but it's kind of hard to watch as an adult... | ||||
Home | Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton | The General | |
A very original movie (still to this day). Most of the scenes on the train are spectacular and/or strangely hypnotic. | ||||
Home | Marielle Heller | A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood | |
A feel good movie. I didn't know who Fred Rogers was before seeing it. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Rashomon Japanese: Rashômon |
A film about truth, honor, the nature of human psychology, morality, and probably a lot of other things I've missed. | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Sam Mendes | 1917 | |
From a technical point of view, this film is absolutely breathtaking (the "fake" single continuous shot, the camera movements, etc.). | ||||
Home | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | All About Eve | |
I know this is a classic. The actors are excellent. But I somehow feel like I'm missing something. Eve's opportunism is kind of obvious right from the beginning, for example, and none of the characters are particularly likable. Or maybe my slight lack of enthusiasm for this movie has something to do with the fact that I watched most of it on my smartphone (sorry, David Lynch...). | ||||
Home | John Ford | The Searchers | |
"That'll be the day." I'm probably missing something here. This is not a bad movie, but when I said I was not into westerns in the past, this is the kind of movies I had in mind. Cow-boys and indians. I guess I like Sergio Leone's approach better. | ||||
Home | Billy Wilder | Some Like It Hot | |
Without knowing anything about this movie or its context (e.g. Marilyn Monroe died 4 years later and already had a lot of problems), I immediately felt that something was a bit off with Monroe's performance, but, all in all, we had a good time. I'm not a fan of the "men dressed up as women" theme, but Curtis and Lemmon's performance is excellent and there's also a feminist message hidden under all the jokes (I guess?). | ||||
Home | Carol Reed | The Third Man | |
I knew the quote, but not that it came from this movie: "In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed. They producedd Michaelangelo, da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock." This is simply a fantastic movie. The music is captivating. Each shot is perfect. And Vienna is mysteriously beautiful. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | |
For some strange reasons, I had never watched that movie in full. I had only seen bits and pieces of it. It's entertaining, but you're often left wondering "How did they do that?". | ||||
Home | Victor Fleming, George Cukor & Sam Wood | Gone with the Wind | |
It's not necessarily my cup of tea (the romance, etc.), but there's definitely something epic about this movie. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Nadine Labaki | Capernaum | |
I cried while watching this heartbreaking movie. I think I'll need to watch something a little more upbeat next... | ||||
Home | Asghar Farhadi | A Separation Persian: Jodaeiye Nader az Simin |
Probably my first Iranian movie. It's about family, truth, justice, and, yes, ultimately, separation. An intense and excellent movie. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Ikiru | |
A moving story, with a simple message: it's never too late to start living your life, to have a positive impact on other people. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | |
Quite fun, but something's missing. I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment. | ||||
Home | Sergio Leone | For a Few Dollars More Italian: Per qualche dollaro in più |
Not as good as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, but still very enjoyable. Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef are such charismatic actors, just looking at them, not saying a word, is an experience in itself. | ||||
Home | Bobbie Peers | To Plant a Flag | |
A fun short movie recommended by a colleague of mine. | ||||
Home | Charles Chaplin | The Great Dictator | |
I had only seen a few scenes from this movie (the globe scene, the final speech, and a few others), but I was not sure whether I had seen it in its entirety or not. Apparently not. It's excellent and funnier than I had anticipated. | ||||
Home | Ari Aster | Midsommar | |
I needed a break from all those top 250 IMDb movies I've been watching recently, so I consciously chose a movie with a lower IMDb rating. The beginning of the movie is very dark, but the rest of the movie is really bright, in a weird way. It contrasts with what actually happens on the screen. It's a good idea, because it kind of catches you off guard. I'm not really familiar with the horror genre, but, unfortunately, it becomes obvious quite quickly that Midsommar borrows heavily from other similar movies. More than that, once you've watched the first half of the movie (let's say until the cliff scene), the rest becomes predictable. Also, most of the characters completely lack depth and some (most?) of the dialogues are badly written (that's something that struck me right from the beginning). | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Todd Phillips | Joker | |
Not you usual DC movie. Excellent performance by Joaquin Phoenix. I can't shake this feeling that some of the scenes were a bit over the top. Murray Franklin showing parts of Arthur Fleck's stand-up act during his show, for example, doesn't seem very plausible. Presenting Fleck as a victim worked most of the time, though. | ||||
Home | Roberto Benigni | Life Is Beautiful Italian: La vita è bella |
This is a really weird movie. It has comedic elements, obviously. And it is about the holocaust. Does it work? I'm not sure. As usual, I'm not a fan of children actors, so it didn't help either. | ||||
Home | Bong Joon Ho | Parasite Korean: Gisaengchung |
A light comedy, suddenly becoming a dark tragicomedy. Kind of weird. It's also a critique of something, but I'm not sure what. The relationship between the rich and the poor, I guess. | ||||
Home | Masaki Kobayashi | Harakiri Japanese: Seppuku |
To be honest, I was expecting to be bored by this movie (yet another black and white samurai movie...), but I was pleasantly surprised! The story is original (to me, at least) and told in a surprising and touching way. | ||||
Home | Brian De Palma | Scarface | |
A gangster movie. And not a bad one. Greed, power, money, cocaine, violence. Apparently, this is a bad recipe for happiness! | ||||
Home | Guy Ritchie | Snatch | |
Not bad, but it looks like a movie trying too hard to be... something. I don't know what. The next Pulp Fiction? It already left me pretty much unimpressed back in 2000 when I first saw it. | ||||
Home | Anthony Russo & Joe Russo | Avengers: Endgame | |
Time travel. Quantum mysticism. Still not my cup of tea. | ||||
Home | Nitesh Tiwari | Dangal | |
An Indian feminist movie. Kind of, as you could say the two sisters spend the whole movie trying to make their father proud. This is the third movie featuring Aamir Khan that I see (the other two being 3 Idiots and Like Stars on Earth). | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Full Metal Jacket | |
A war movie (kind of, as always with Kubrick). This was my second viewing. I didn't remember that the first part (i.e. the island) was as long as it is (about 45 minutes). A lot of military jargon made it a little hard to follow at times. Having watched The Hunt the day before, I couldn't help but notice that I didn't identify with any character in the movie, which made the movie a bit less enjoyable. | ||||
Home | Thomas Vinterberg | The Hunt Danish: Jagten |
I had not been as outraged/stressed by a movie in a long time. In a way, Vinterberg is using some of the same methods von Trier used in Dancer in the Dark to manipulate the viewer. But it works. I'm not a fan of the hunting/hunters theme, though. | ||||
Home | Gil Karni | Trip of Compassion | |
A very moving documentary about three subjects suffering from PTSD and participating in MDMA-assisted therapies in Israel. | ||||
Home | Sergio Leone | Once Upon a Time in America | |
I first saw this movie in 1995. I remember being a bit put off by the sex and violence. 24 years later, it doesn't strike me as much. It's an ambitious movie, with a surprising ending. | ||||
Home | Harold Ramis | Groundhog Day | |
Not bad. It's a bit cheesy, but it covers quite a few interesting topics: free will, immortality, ethics/consequentialism, honesty, how to live a good life, etc. The suicide scenes are particularly funny. | ||||
Home | Quentin Tarantino | Django Unchained | |
More violent than Inglourious Basterds. I think I liked it slightly less. But it's still a very good movie. | ||||
Home | Ridley Scott | Gladiator | |
I don't think I was particularly impressed 19 years ago when I first saw it, but it was less bad than anticipated. | ||||
Home | Quentin Tarantino & Eli Roth | Inglourious Basterds | |
Not as violent as I expected (for a Tarantino movie). There are many stressful moments, including the beginning of the movie. Christoph Waltz is brilliant. The end is surprising (but also satisfying, in an ambiguous way). | ||||
Home | Mel Gibson | Braveheart | |
I enjoyed this movie a bit more than expected. It's historically completely inaccurate. It's somewhat of an ego trip. But it's not bad, if you can separate the artist from the art. | ||||
Home | Jean-Pierre Jeunet | Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | |
It's so hard to judge this movie. I saw it only once, in 2001, but I feel like I have seen it many times. It was/is so popular. One could even say it has become a kind of cliché (the music, Audrey Tautou's look, etc.). | ||||
Home | Aamir Khan & Amole Gupte | Like Stars on Earth | |
I watched this movie because it's currently #85 in IMDb's top 250, but that was really painful. The first half of the movie is long and really boring. We almost decided to stop watching it, but we wanted to wait at least until Aamir Khan made his first appearance. Everything's really formulaic and cheesy. It looks like a television film, in the negative sense of the word. | ||||
Home | Sam Mendes | American Beauty | |
Without realizing it (really!), I've seen this movie four times now (in March 2000, March 2003, March 2008, and now April 2019). I'm not sure I need to add anything. :) | ||||
Home | Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | |
I didn't expect to like this movie as much as I did. It's visually very original. The story itself is okay, I guess, but I don't think it's the most important element of the movie. | ||||
Home | Fritz Lang | M | |
I think I had already seen this movie in 1992-97, but I didn't remember much from it (apart from the whistling). I expected a "classic but boring" movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. The movie contains some very distinctive elements: the (unorthodox) camera angles and movements, the use of sounds and silence, even the aspect ratio (I guess). And Peter Lorre is brilliant in the final scene. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | 2001: A Space Odyssey | |
I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey at the cinema in 2001. Before that, I think I saw it at least once, maybe twice, on TV. I know I recorded the movie on a VHS tape. Probably in the late 80s or early 90s. I also read the book, probably in the 90s. For me this is still the best science fiction movie ever made. The special effects are somewhat impressive for a movie made in 1968, in the sense that they don't look ridiculous in 2019. The rest is perfect: the contemplative nature of the movie, the music, the background photos of Spitzkoppe, Namibia at the beginning, etc. | ||||
Home | Anthony Russo & Joe Russo | Avengers: Infinity War | |
CGI and teenage humor. It didn't work for me. | ||||
Home | James Cameron | Aliens | |
People smoke. There are cathode-ray tube monitors everywhere. Texts are displayed one character at a time with sounds. Jenette Goldstein is comically bad at times. But it's still a pretty good movie overall. | ||||
Home | Christopher Nolan | The Dark Knight Rises | |
After all those years, I've finally finished watching Nolan's trilogy! I enjoyed The Dark Knight Rises way more than expected. The ending was not as enjoyable as it could have been, though. Something was missing. I'm not sure what exactly. The bad guys died in a completely banal way, for example. The scene in Italy was a nice touch, however. | ||||
Home | Rajkumar Hirani | 3 Idiots | |
This is a feel-good movie, a comedy with some good moments and some not-so-great moments (some of them scatological). It contains great footage of North India (I want to go there one day). I enjoyed it. Probably more than I should have... | ||||
Home | Chan-wook Park | Oldboy | |
Not a bad movie, but a bit too violent for my taste. I could have done without the octopus scene (especially knowking how it was actually done...). | ||||
Home | George Roy Hill | The Sting | |
It took me a while to somewhat enjoy this movie, as I was initially put off by the gangster theme. The poker scene is excellent (I don't know much about poker, unfortunately). The music is fun (Scott Joplin!). I was completely hooked during the last third of the movie. You really want to know how everything will end. I don't see myself watching this movie a second time, though, because of all the twists (and the final one in particular). Once you know them, well, it kind of ruins the surprise. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Yorgos Lanthimos | The Favourite | |
I don't know if this movie is brilliant or if it's just a case of form over substance. I liked the music. I liked the way the rooms in Hatfield House were filmed. I liked the overall quirkiness of the characters. The story was a bit too simple, maybe. | ||||
Home | David Lean | Lawrence of Arabia | |
This is a great movie. The desert, the music, Peter O'Toole, Omar Sharif, the fact that it's a movie that "takes its time", the many memorable moments. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a highly romanticized version of T. E. Lawrence's life, but it doesn't really matter. | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Saving Private Ryan | |
"Hey, those guys played in Friends. And this one played in Lost. And that one in Curb Your Enthusiasm." This was the first time I saw this movie again since I saw it at the cinema in 1998. I clearly remembered the Normandy landings scenes, but not so much the rest of the movie. It's objectively a good movie, but I'm not sure I want to watch it a third time in my life. As I wrote several times already now, I'm not into war movies. | ||||
Home | Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly | Singin' in the Rain | |
It was kind of cute and kind of funny, but not totally. Some scenes were quite impressive as well (for the time?). I'm probably missing something. | ||||
Home | Frank Darabont | The Green Mile | |
I first saw this movie almost 15 years ago, in French, but I almost completely forgot about it. The only part I remembered was the dry sponge scene. It's not a bad movie, but I'm not a fan. I didn't expect it to rely so much on supernatural elements. | ||||
Home | Vittorio De Sica | Bicycle Thieves Italian: Ladri di biciclette |
Definitely not a feel-good movie. As I said before, I'm not a fan of movies with child actors. This was the case here once again. I couldn't really relate with the main character either (not because he's poor/unemployed, but because of something else - I don't know why exactly). I can see why this movie is considered a classic, though. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | Eraserhead | |
This is the archetypal David Lynch movie. I first saw it almost 15 years ago at the Cinémathèque suisse. As the father of an 8-month-old baby, this might not be the perfect timing to watch it (especially the final scene), but the movie is so surreal, it doesn't really matter. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | The Cowboy and the Frenchman | |
A short film by David Lynch. I guess I'm not a fan of cliché-based humor, even when it comes with a Lynchian touch. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | The Straight Story | |
This is David Lynch's least Lynchian movie, along with Dune and The Elephant Man. But it's an excellent movie nevertheless. Very moving. I haven't been able to hold back my tears. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | David Lynch | Lost Highway | |
I don't like to use that word, but this movie is underrated. I guess it sums up everything that people love and hate about David Lynch. Mulholland Drive was far more successful, but, like one anonymous David Lynch fan once said, "Mulholland Drive is basically Lost Highway for dummies." It's maybe a bit harsh, but it's probably true that Mulholland Drive is easier to sum up in once sentence or two than Lost Highway. Anyway, I like it. It's a movie that stays with you after you've watched it. You will think about it. You will read about it. And then, one day, you will watch it again. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | Blue Velvet | |
When evil meets innocence (Heineken!). I first saw this movie more than 14 years ago. This is actually a strange experience to watch a David Lynch movie that's not completely weird and incomprehensible. I don't know if I'm a fan of the story itself (it's quite simple), but I like the way the movie is structured and filmed. Dorothy Vallens' living room reminded me of the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks. | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | A Clockwork Orange | |
I last saw this movie 14 years ago. It's a masterpiece. The choreographed violence is beautiful and disturbing at the same time. I tend to agree with Dave or Tamler from the Very Bad Wizards podcast: this movie is actually a comedy. A black, violent, and weird comedy, but a comedy nevertheless. | ||||
Home | Harley Cokeliss | The Glitterball | |
I originally saw this in French (La balle volante) on FR3, in 1984, 1986, or 1987 (it was broadcast at least three times). I don't know why, but I remembered it as a TV show and not a short movie (the version on YouTube is 46-minute long and IMDb lists it as a 56-minute movie). I remembered two things from the movie: the scene with the ball rolling in paint and writing "help" on the floor (although I would have sworn it was "HELP" and not "help"...) and the final scene (the spaceship leaving before the adults could see it). Not bad, for something obscure I saw at least 31 years ago! Of course, it's not as good as I remembered, but it's not completely bad either. | ||||
Home | Robert Mulligan | To Kill a Mockingbird | |
I'm usually not a fan of movies with children as the main characters, but the child acting was pretty good. This is a simple, moving, and timeless classic. I really liked Gregory Peck's elegant and restrained acting style. | ||||
Home | Billy Wilder | Double Indemnity | |
After Witness for the Prosecution and Sunset Boulevard, I found this movie a bit disappointing. I felt no attachment whatsoever to any of the main characters. | ||||
Home | Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones | Monty Python and the Holy Grail | |
It's almost a compilation of Monty Python sketches, with a common theme. It's absurd. Almost pointless. But it's funny. I love the Monty Python. | ||||
Home | Billy Wilder | Sunset Boulevard | |
"The stars are ageless, aren't they?" A fantastic movie. Watching it, I really felt what it must be like to be trapped in a gilded cage. | ||||
Home | Billy Wilder | Witness for the Prosecution | |
A very entertaining movie, that goes from surprise to surprise (it's based on Agatha Christie's short story, after all). It's an easy-to-spoil movie, so much so that the viewer is explicity asked at the end of the movie not to reveal the ending to other persons. I don't know if it was common at the time. Some comedic aspects of the movie were a bit "cheap" at times, but it was a very good movie overall. | ||||
Home | Wolfgang Petersen | Das Boot | |
I could start my review of this movie like I started my review of Paths of Glory: I didn't expect to like this movie; I'm not into war movies. All wars are absurd, but men fighting those wars can still be brave and humane. This movie is about those men. A very moving and sad film. You really get attached to the characters, which are probably. more developed than in similar movies (?). The fact that most of the movie happens in a submarine makes it emotionally involving and very psychological. I really liked it. | ||||
Home | Martin Scorsese | Taxi Driver | |
I'm usually not a fan of Martin Scorsese, but this movie is pretty good. I guess this would sound like an understatement to many. Anyway, Robert De Niro is brilliant. The movie is dark. It has a kind of weird happy ending. There's some violence, but not too much. And a 12 year-old Jodie Foster plays a prostitute. | ||||
Home | Ridley Scott | Blade Runner | |
I'm underwhelmed. This movie reminded me of The Terminator, with better special effects. There's the really bad guy, who is hard to kill. There's the (incoherent) dystopian future. There's the very dark city/environment. And since this is an old science fiction movie, you have flying cars, that you have to drive yourself. And CRT monitors everywhere. | ||||
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | North by Northwest | |
Cary Grant is absolutely brilliant in this movie. Funny and charming. The whole movie is entertaining. Everything is not believable, but it's a thriller and a comedy at the same time, so it didn't bother me too much. One of the scenes is filmed at the Ambassador Chicago Hotel, where we stayed in October 2017. The inside of the hotel is now very different, but I think I recognized the entrance (the doors, the stairs and the welcome desk). | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Paths of Glory | |
I didn't expect to like this movie so much, as I'm not into war movies (usually). I'm not against all armies and all wars, but I'm somewhat of an anti-militarist. This movie denounces the absurdity and futility of war, as well as the power hunger and arrogance of some military officers. It's short and to the point. I wouldn't have guessed that Kubrick directed this movie, but, as it is brilliant, I'm not surprised. | ||||
Home | Giuseppe Tornatore | Nuovo Cinema Paradiso | |
Not a bad movie, but a bit too syrupy. The child playing Totò was cute, but he was not flawless as an actor - I know it's hard for young children, but it bothered me, as he was central to the movie. | ||||
Home | Orson Welles | Citizen Kane | |
I had never seen any movie like that before. There's a sophistication and a kind of weirdness to the story, the characters and the way each scene is filmed. This is one of the most well-known movies of all time, so I won't waste my time trying to write something original about it. Let's just say that I would probably enjoy watching it a second time. | ||||
Home | David Fincher | Se7en | |
Not bad. I saw this movie about 20 years ago and only remembered the ending (i.e. the box). | ||||
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | Vertigo | |
One of Hitchcock's best movies. Beautiful views of San Francisco. Some unexpected twists. The only thing I didn't like was the end. It almost looked like a bad joke. It's so weird that many people have written about it. | ||||
Home | Michel Gondry | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | |
I was convinced that I had seen this movie multiple times before, but, apparently, I only saw it in 2004. Anyway, I really loved it at the time and I still think it's an excellent movie. I've been wanting to see it again for years and it's finally one of the latest episodes of the Very Bad Wizard podcast which convinced me that I had to do it (like, now). It's Michel Gondry's best feature film and it's probably the best movie starring either Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, or Kirsten Dunst. It asks an important question (what is memory?), but it's the cinematography that I really love about it. | ||||
Home | Jonathan Demme | The Silence of the Lambs | |
Anthony Hopkins is absolutely fantastic as Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Jodie Foster is excellent as well. It's a shame she didn't played in more good movies... I probably watched The Silence of the Lambs once on television, a long time ago, but I didn't remember much from the movie (apart from the well, actually). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Wes Anderson | Isle of Dogs | |
The story is original (and/or far-fetched), but, as you can expect from Wes Anderson, it doesn't look like anything else. Is it a movie with more style than substance, as some reviews suggest? Maybe, but it doesn't matter: it kind of already was the case with most of Anderson's previous movies. | ||||
Home | Darren Aronofsky | Requiem for a Dream | |
This is definitely not a feel-good movie. I was not particularly touched or moved by the themes (addiction, drugs, mental illness, etc.), but the cinematography is absolutely stunning. Is there a David Lynch influence there? The music was also an important part of the movie for me (Kronos Quartet). | ||||
Home | Isao Takahata | Only Yesterday Japanese: Omohide poro poro |
We watched this mainly because Isao Takahata died two days before. I didn't enjoy it as much as Grave of the Fireflies and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. It was definitely not bad, but a bit uneven. Probably a bit too romantic (fleur bleue), as well. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Greta Gerwig | Lady Bird | |
A good coming-of-age movie. It's somewhat realistic and funny at the same time (so a bit cliché, every now and then). It touches on friendship, family, unemployment, homosexuality, religion, identity, adulthood, and many other aspects of life, without too much judgement. | ||||
Home | Lee Unkrich | Toy Story 3 | |
The third Toy Story manages to be as original and inventive as the first two movies, in my opinion. It's a bit sadder, but in a good way, I guess. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Luca Guadagnino | Call Me by Your Name | |
Watching this movie was like watching two movies: one is a contemplative movie about Italy, summer vacations, music, books, swimming in rivers, drinking wine, living in a big old house with someone cooking for you, etc.; the other one is about a 17-year old Jewish boy discovering his sexuality and finding out that he's also attracted to men. It's raw. It's sad. It's tragic. It was also refreshing to go back to the 80s, a world without smartphones, constant interruptions, computers everywhere. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Pablo Martín Torrado | El amor ciego | |
A short film about a couple not really living their lives, but living them via virtual reality. It's well done, kind of funny, but I'm not sure it goes anywhere. | ||||
Home | Yoshifumi Kondô | Whisper of the Heart Japanese: Mimi wo sumaseba |
Ironically, I thought it was still a bit corny, even though cheesiness is criticized/ridiculed in the movie. At the end, it's still a romance movie about teenagers looking for what they want to do in their life. Overall a decent, feel-good animation movie. I mistakenly downloaded the English-dubbed version instead of the original version, but the dubbed version is pretty good. Version: English | ||||
Home | Isao Takahata | The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Japanese: Kaguyahime no monogatari |
Based on the 10th-century Japanese Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, this hand-drawn animation movie is really something else. Very elegant, mysterious, touching, almost Zen-like. Yes, maybe a bit too slow at times. It's a tale about the innocence and simplicity of childhood, what society and sometimes our families expect from us, and nostalgia for things we might have already forgotten. The ending is surprisingly almost science-fiction-esque, but more in a 2001: A Space Odyssey way than a Star Wars way. | ||||
Home | Charles Chaplin | Modern Times | |
Another classic. Times have changed and, at the same time, many people are still doing meaningless and repetitive jobs. Many suffer from burnout. Many struggle to even get a job. Micromanagement is still a thing (the factory's boss appearing on those big screens is frightening). Also, work automation is something that has never been as discussed as nowadays. In that sense, the scenes in the factory, in particular, are timeless as much as they're hilarious. | ||||
Home | Charles Chaplin | City Lights | |
It's hard to judge a 87-year old silent movie. What's also hard is to realize that what you see in that movie happened 87 years ago, because most things look pretty familiar. Yes, people don't have smartphones, but they have passionate discussions, drive cars, walk on the street, sell flowers, go to restaurants, drink alcool, dance, etc. The characters are attaching. The comic elements still work. Each scene looks like a mini-movie in itself. It really deserves its classic status. | ||||
Home | John Lasseter, Ash Brannon & Lee Unkrich | Toy Story 2 | |
According to IMDb and Metacritic, Toy Story 2 is supposed to be good, but not as good as Toy Story. I actually found that Toy Story 2 is just as good, if not better than Toy Story. At this point, the Toy Story universe is not new anymore, but the themes (the toy collector, Buzz Lightyear actually meeting other "copies" of himself, Woody discovering his backstory, the moral dilemma, etc.) were quite original and interesting. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Martin McDonagh | Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri | |
One of the best movies I've seen recently! It's sad, funny, revolting, and somewhat disturbing. I can totally relate to Mildred, her fight against injustice/status quo, and her desire for revenge. I would classify this movie in the "manipulative movie" category, like Dancer in the Dark or Grave of the Fireflies. It's designed to make you cry and to make you angry, but it was done in a clever way (i.e. I don't feel cheated). | ||||
Home | John Lasseter | Toy Story | |
A story about jealousy and friendship. From a technical point of view, this movie has aged well. Some characters (e.g. the dog) are a bit rough from a 2018 standpoint, but it's actually pretty impressive for a computer-animated film done in 1995. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but is it also a movie about the roles we play in our lives without realizing it? In other words, are we toys who don't realize we're toys? Is the scene with Buzz Lightyear realizing that he's a mass-produced toy and not an actual astronaut a metaphor for the human condition (i.e. we feel unique/original when we're actually just one individual among billions of very similar persons)? I apparently saw this movie in 2006, but I didn't remember much from it. | ||||
Home | Wim Wenders | Paris, Texas | |
A slow, beautiful, and intriguing movie. The only thing that kind of bothered me was Aurore Clément's French accent. After four years, she can't even pronounce Hunter's name correctly? Not very believable... Other than that, it was a very good and unique movie. | ||||
Home | Makoto Shinkai | Your Name Japanese: Kimi no na wa |
Not bad. It kind of reminds me of a Miyazaki movie. It has the same kind of nostalgic and poetic touch, but with more realistic aesthetics. I'm not a fan of the time travel, spiritual, and mystical aspects, precisely because all the rest was so realistic. | ||||
Home | Richard Linklater | Before Sunrise | |
I discovered Richard Linklater a few years ago with Boyhood, which blew my mind. I've always wanted to see more of his movies. Having finally seen Before Sunrise, I definitely want to see Before Sunset and Before Midnight as well. There are several subjective reasons why I enjoyed this movie. I didn't know anything about the plot, the caracters, etc. It's almost a perfect coincidence, but we watched Before Sunrise on February 10, 2018 and the only time I've ever been to Vienna was on February 11-15, 2008. And, yes, the movie takes place in Vienna. Another thing was that the movie, although it was filmed in 1994, was released in 1995 and this was the year I discovered another European capital as a teenager, with my classmates: Paris. The result is that I can relate to several aspects of the movie: the period (mid-90s), the young caracters discovering a European city, wondering about what it means to live, to love, etc. Can things be meaningful if they don't last? Are they meaningful because they don't last? At the end, it's still a romance movie, but it's definitely not overromantic and the form of the movie (two caracters talking for more than 90 minutes, walking in a city) makes it quite original. It's simple. It captures a moment in time in an authentic way. It's captivating. | ||||
Home | Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff | The Lion King | |
I have seen a lot of Disney movies. I even saw the Lion King musical in London in 2007, but it's the first time I see the movie, surprisingly. Let's just say that I would have probably enjoyed it more as a child. I'm not saying you can't enjoy an animation movie as an adult, but The Lion King is definitely less complex, more shallow than some Miyazaki/Ghibli movies, for example. | ||||
Home | Francis Ford Coppola | Apocalypse Now | |
A dark and disturbing movie. I understand why it's a classic. Some parts of the movie are just intense/spectacular. But I wouldn't say I enjoyed it all the way through. And, yeah, I'm not a fan of the scene with the water buffalo slaughter, the buffalo having been actually killed (not specifically for the movie, but still). Also, the music didn't age very well, unfortunately. | ||||
Home | Adam Elliot | Mary and Max | |
I was naively expecting a fun comedy and I got a dark movie about mental disorders, friendship, how hard it is to find friends in our societies, what it means to be different, etc. It's still an animation movie. It's still funny at times. But it's mainly serious stuff. It's... different. And it's good. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Casino, Martigny | Lee Unkrich & Adrian Molina | Coco | |
I'm maybe a bit harsh with my rating. Technically, it's a fantastic movie. Very colorful. The city in the Land of the Dead is spectacular. Some of the themes are nice, I guess. You have to respect your family and, at the same time, you have to follow your passions. So your family might be wrong. But what about the afterlife, though? This is mainly a movie for children, after all. I know this is not a movie you're supposed to take seriously (obviously), but this is the central theme in the movie: after they die, people go to the Land of the Dead, they get to meet the people that have already died, and everybody is happy (more or less). There's still so much religious bullshit in the world today that I can't simply be entertained by this theme/idea (whereas I have no problem watching a Star Wars movie - people usually don't believe that Star Wars is true in the real world...). Like religion in real life, religious ideas in Coco don't make much sense, of course. People in the Land of the Dead who are forgotten by their family completely disappear. But if they "die for real" (which will happen eventually after 4-5 generations, apparently, because families can't have photos of older family members...), why didn't they die for real in the first place? It's like the idea of God: if you really think about it, it doesn't explain anything. It just moves the problem a bit farther. Anyway, a nice movie, but I didn't like the main theme. As of December 29, 2017, it's #30 in IMDb's top 250. It shouldn't be so high in the list, in my opinion. Version: French | ||||
Home | James Cameron | Terminator 2 | |
Clearly a better movie than The Terminator, but it still has a linear story and shallow characters. The special effects are better, this time, but, once again, it's a movie about a robot from the future trying to kill a boy. With car/truck chases. And people getting killed, but less of them, I guess. Oh, and there's a second robot. It's nice, this time. But pretty stupid, with no sense of humor or morality. It learns something at the end of the movie, though. I'm not sure what. That life can have... value? There's an interesting question being raised at some point: can you be guilty of something that you haven't done yet? There's also a romantic side to this movie: humans can get attached to robots, robots can almost feel emotions, and it's not necessarily the best robot (from a technological point of view) that wins at the end (i.e. you can still succeed with flaws). | ||||
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Louis Malle | Ascenseur pour l'échafaud | |
I've been familiar with Miles Davis' music for this movie for 25-30 years, but it was the first time I saw it. I've seen excerpts from it, but only a couple of minutes. I was also familiar with the titles on the soundtrack album ("L'Assassinat de Carala", "Sur L'Autoroute", etc.). It was a weird experience finally seing all those scenes. My verdict? It was not the movie I expected. The music is fantastic, hence my high rating, but I can't see it as a timeless classic. I can forgive the technical limitations (sound effects, sound quality, etc.). We're in 1957, after all. But the plot and dialogues are somewhat limited and naive, to the point of being (involuntarily) funny at times, which is not a good thing. A lot of the scenes are beautifully shot, though. | ||||
Home | James Cameron | The Terminator | |
This is a classic. I must admit I had probably never seen this movie before, at least in its entirety. I've heard about it. I knew the story. I knew the quotes. The problem with the classics is that they're hard to judge, especially when it comes to special effects. The ones in The Terminator looks like they're not even good for 1984 (sloppy stop motion, etc.). The story is really linear: a robot comes from the future to kill a woman who will give birth to a man who will fight the robots in the future; he's really hard to kill. Then you have a lot of car/truck chases and a lot of people getting killed. And there's one sex scene, of course. It's not a bad movie, though. It's probably even original for its time. | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Prince | Sign O' The Times | |
I've probably watched this concert film only once in its entirety, on VHS, in the 90s. The version we saw was the 2017 remastered version, shown in 190 movie theatres simultaneously. The picture was gorgeous. The sound was not too bad (but could have been better). The performance is still excellent, after all those years, even though I know that 80% of what we saw was reshoot at Paisley Park. My favorite parts are "Sign O' The Times" (the first song), "Housequake", and "Forever In My Life / It". | ||||
Home | Tony Kaye | American History X | |
A serious topic. Some violence. Some sad scenes. I cried at the end. It sometimes feels like a dissertation, but it has the merit of trying to explain how white supremacists think. It's probably a bit naive to think that people can change their mind so "easily" (i.e. after a few years of prison and after reading a couple of books). The message might be a bit over-simplistic, but it is still strong. | ||||
Home | Sergio Leone | Once Upon a Time in the West | |
Before seeing The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West, I really thought I didn't like westerns. I've definitely changed my mind. This movie is really something! The music is haunting. The closeups are beautiful. I really liked the striking contrast between the slow, almost meditative scenes and the surprising leaps in the story. I also liked the almost constant presence of an element of mystery, coupled with a weird feeling that something was slightly off (the way the characters are talking or behaving, etc.). | ||||
Home | Martin Scorsese | The Departed | |
I think I'm slowly beginning to realize that I simply don't like Martin Scorsese. There's nothing wrong with The Departed. It's technically a good movie. It's just that I don't care at all for the characters and the story. It's yet another gangster movie and I don't like that genre. I'm usually a huge fan of Jack Nicholson, though, but, here, it just doesn't work for me. | ||||
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | Psycho | |
A classic, straightforward "horror" movie. I must have seen it once about 20-25 years ago. I remembered most of the story, but seeing it again after all this time was still an enjoyable experience. Everything in this movie is very well made. The music, in particular, has an important role. The only thing that I found a bit over the top was the scene at the end, with the psychiatrist explaining what happened. I guess this part could have been a bit more subtle. | ||||
Home | Jon Nguyen & Rick Barnes | David Lynch: The Art Life | |
Almost 90 minutes of David Lynch filmed while painting and telling stories about his life up to Eraserhead. Kind of meditative. I wasn't aware that Lynch painted so much. | ||||
Flight UA 953, United Airlines | Steven Spielberg | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | |
"This means something. It's important." It has always been hard for me to judge science fiction movies. The special effects are not too bad, even 40 years later. Seeing all this old technology (fixed phones, CB radios, paper maps, etc.) can be funny at times, but it's not distracting. The story takes place in the 70s, after all. The presence of François Truffaut is a bit weird. What does a French movie director do in a Steven Spielberg movie? But it also gives the movie a certain charm. Overall, I liked the poetic tone of the movie (the repeated music pattern, the symbolism of the mountain, etc.). The theme of language and interspecies communication has been treated in a more scientific and satisfying way in Arrival, for example, but Spielberg's take on this theme is still good, I think. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces | |
I'm a huge fan of the third season of Twin Peaks, which I finished watching last week. I also watched Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (13 years ago) and the first two seasons of the show (6 years ago), which I also enjoyed. I'm not sure Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces is completely consistent. It's a whole movie made out of deleted scenes, after all. So it's good to go back to the Twin Peaks universe, but, at the same time, it makes the fact that the third season of the show is the best of all the movies/seasons even more obvious. | ||||
Home | Michael Curtiz | Casablanca | |
As I said for Seven Samurai, it's very hard to judge older movies and this is the case again for Casablanca. I can see the historical importance of that movie. I'm not shocked by the racism, sexism, and patriotism. I understand that it's a movie made in the early 1940s. I can understand why it had the success it had. It's a movie that doesn't have the level of sophistication that recent movies can have, but, at the same time, I was hooked from start to finish. The fact that it was filmed in a studio gives it a certain charm, too. | ||||
Home | Christopher Nolan | The Prestige | |
This is an excellent movie about magic, obsession, rivalry, death, identity, and, I guess, science (David Bowie as Tesla is very good). I always say that I like movies that I can watch multiple times better, so this would be my only complaint with this movie: once you've seen the multiple twists at the end, I think it loses some of its interest. And I don't want to brag, but I anticipated the final twist way before Nolan probably intended the audience to understand it, but that's because I'm obsessed with the philosophy of personal identity and related topics (mind uploading, teleportation, etc.). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Edgar Wright | Baby Driver | |
Can violence be funny? I guess it can, but I'm less and less convinced. All in all a very good movie, with fresh/original ideas, fantastic cinematography, "video games" / car chase sequences, a lot of music, likeable/cool characters. A very unique movie. My only complaint is that it's too violent. | ||||
Home | Akira Kurosawa | Seven Samurai Japanese: Shichinin no samurai |
It's always hard to judge older movies... I had kind of expected a very serious, 3-and-a-half-hour movie about samurais, with lots of fight scenes. I don't know why. I was pleasantly surprised to discover a movie with less violence than I had anticipated, likable characters, many humorous moments, as well as very serious themes (inequalities, social classes, injustice, duty, etc.). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Maysaloun Hamoud | In Between | |
This was a theme I was a priori not very interested in, but the life and struggle of those Palestinian women in a somehwat segregated Tel Aviv, in a modern but still conservative society, was captivating. The movie was not as moving as it could have been. Some clichés could also have been avoided. But, overall, it was pretty good. | ||||
Home | Tim Burton | Sleepy Hollow | |
My wife didn't remember much about this movie, so we watched it again. For me, it was the third time. It's not Tim Burton's best movie, but it's pretty good. Johnny Depp is excellent, as is often the case. I'm a bit unsettled by the science/reason vs faith/magic theme. But we're talking about a movie about a headless horseman, so science/reason doesn't really stand a chance, does it? | ||||
Home | Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders | How to Train Your Dragon | |
Am I crazy or is this a movie against speciesism? The vikings represent humain beings in general. They have always been violent against other animals (killing them, etc.). Hiccup is considered as a weak viking by the entire village. He is "different", "not like us", etc. And he's the only one who decided not to kill dragons. So, in a sense, he's like a vegetarian/vegan/animal rights activist. Anyway, this is a nicely done movie. At least technically. And, as I said, the story is pretty good. | ||||
Flight LH 741, Lufthansa | Pedro Almodóvar | Julieta | |
Far from one of Almodóvar's best movies, but a pretty good movie nevertheless. I liked the surprising "actress switch" in the middle of the movie. | ||||
Flight LH 741, Lufthansa | Morten Tyldum | Passengers | |
I expected a science-fiction movie, but this is a romance movie, with a philosophical twist. Can life be meaningful if you can eat, sleep, exercise, etc., but if you are also completely alone? Can life be meaningful if you're a couple living alone in the same situation? Intriguing thought experiment about the meaning of life (although a bit inconsistent, of course). Don't watch this movie if you thought "Gravity" was not scientifically accurate... | ||||
Flight LH 741, Lufthansa | Sebastian Hilger | Wir sind die Flut | |
A German science-fiction movie. I liked some of the ideas, but at times, it felt more like a TV movie. Some bits (the end?) were also a bit too new agey for my taste. | ||||
Flight LH 741, Lufthansa | Barry Jenkins | Moonlight | |
A simple story, moving, very well filmed. | ||||
Ghibli Museum, Tokyo | Hayao Miyazaki | Monmon the Water Spider Japanese: Mizugumo Monmon |
A short movie shown only at the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo. Not the greatest thing I've seen from Miyazaki, but not bad either. | ||||
Flight LX 160, Swiss | Claude Barras | Ma vie de Courgette | |
Techniquement bien réalisé, mais l'histoire est un peu "enfantine". Moins intéressant pour un adulte que bien des films d'animation (de Miyazaki, pour ne citer que lui). Il serait peut-être intéressant de regarder la version anglaise. | ||||
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Spirited Away Japanese: Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi |
This is the third time I see "Spirited Away" and the first time in 15 years. Time flies... I was convinced I had already seen it a third time about 5-10 years ago, but this is apparently not the case. Many scenes are still fresh in my mind, though. It's probably my favorite Miyazaki movie (but I really need to rewatch "Princess Mononoke", "Howl's Moving Castle", and "My Neighbor Totoro"). It's beautiful, sad, funny, and enchanting. There's not a single wasted moment. This is a brilliant movie. | ||||
Home | Fernando Meirelles & Kátia Lund | City of God Portuguese: Cidade de Deus |
At the moment I'm writing this, "City of God" is #21 in IMDb's Top 250. Clearly, I think this movie is overrated. I liked the rhythm. I liked the structure. I liked the cinematography. This is not a bad movie. But I didn't like the violence. I'm tired of violent movies. Yes, I get it: human beings can be violent and stupid. This is something I already knew. Ironically/paradoxically, I enjoy "Game of Thrones". Go figure. | ||||
Home | Frank Capra | It's a Wonderful Life | |
This is a movie about crowdfunding. And God. And angels. Just kidding. This is a movie about why friends/family are more important than money. I guess. It's so difficult to judge those old movies... I will just say that it's not a bad movie, but it doesn't "feel" like a real classic to me (like "Metropolis", for example, which is even older). | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Damien Chazelle | La La Land | |
"I hate jazz" (Mia). I can imagine many people saying exactly that. Or at least: "I don't understand jazz". Actually, that's what I regularly hear. Like Sebastian, I love jazz, so I could totally understand his reaction to Mia's ignorant comment. But "La La Land" is not only about jazz. It's also about Los Angeles and Hollywood in particular. It's about what we want in our lives, about our dreams. So it's a bit cliché and the movie is probably not as good as many people say it is. "Whiplash" was better. But it's a good movie nevertheless. Very well done. Oh, and any movie that indirectly bashes Kenny G cannot be bad. | ||||
Home | David Fincher | Fight Club | |
"The things you own end up owning you". I really like the anti-consumerism theme in the movie, as I tend (or would like) to be a minimalist. This is the first time I watched "Fight Club" since 1999. This is obviously a good movie, but watching it more than once is a bit like watching "The Sixth Sense" more than once, right? | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Kenneth Lonergan | Manchester by the Sea | |
A very moving movie, without, of course, much action, as it's all about the caracters. Very hard not to cry at least twice or three times during the movie... | ||||
Home | Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski | The Matrix | |
A classic. I saw this movie twice, in 1999 and 2000. 18 years later, it's a bit weird to see huge computer monitors and old mobile phones. But it's still an excellent movie. | ||||
Home | Mamoru Hosoda | Wolf Children Japanese: Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki |
A bit too cheesy to my taste (werewolves, really?), but also very well done and beautiful/poetic at times. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Tom Ford | Nocturnal Animals | |
This is not a bad movie. The beginning is really captivating and troubling at the same time. Maybe too many ideas for a single movie? | ||||
CineStar Original und IMAX, Berlin | Gareth Edwards | Rogue One | |
IMAX 3D version. I didn't expect it, but this movie was very well done and a lot of fun. Especially in such a good movie theater as this one. The scene with Carrie Fisher was obviously moving, given the timing. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Galeries, Lausanne | Denis Villeneuve | Arrival | |
Forum Rolex, Learning Center, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland | James Algar, Gaëtan Brizzi, Paul Brizzi, Hendel Butoy, Francis Glebas, Eric Goldberg, Don Hahn & Pixote Hunt | Fantasia 2000 | |
Live music by the Orchestre d'harmonie de l'Etat de Genève. | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Ken Loach | I, Daniel Blake | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Matt Ross | Captain Fantastic | |
Home | Steven Spielberg | Raiders of the Lost Ark | |
Home | Francis Ford Coppola | The Godfather: Part II | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Marcel Barelli | Habitat | |
Home | Steven Spielberg | Schindler's List | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Prince | Graffiti Bridge | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Prince & Michael Ballhaus | Under The Cherry Moon | |
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Albert Magnoli | Purple Rain | |
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Charlie Chaplin | A Dog's Life | |
Live music by the Orchestre des Jardins Musicaux. | ||||
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Charlie Chaplin | The Pilgrim | |
Live music by the Orchestre des Jardins Musicaux. | ||||
Corso, Martigny | Frédéric Mermoud | Moka | |
Flight QR 0100, Qatar Airways | David O. Russell | Silver Linings Playbook | |
Home | Sergio Leone | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | |
Home | Sidney Lumet | 12 Angry Men | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Café Society | |
Home | Francis Ford Coppola | The Godfather | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Duncan Jones | Moon | |
Home | Francis Lawrence | The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Lenny Abrahamson | Room | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Cyril Dion & Mélanie Laurent | Demain | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Alejandro González Iñárritu | The Revenant | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Hail, Caesar! | |
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | The Hudsucker Proxy | |
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Blood Simple | |
Home | Quentin Tarantino | Pulp Fiction | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | J.J. Abrams | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | |
3D version. | ||||
Home | Frank Darabont | The Shawshank Redemption |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Irvin Kershner | Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi | |
1997 version. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Christian Desmares & Franck Ekinci | Avril et le monde truqué | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Charlotte Cambon | Dans un petit bateau | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Ridley Scott | The Martian | |
3D version. | ||||
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Barton Fink | |
Forum Rolex, Learning Center, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland | Sergei M. Eisenstein | Battleship Potemkin | |
Live music by the Orchestre d'harmonie de l'Etat de Genève. | ||||
Home | Jamie Uys | The Gods Must Be Crazy | |
Already seen on TV a long time ago (in the 80s). | ||||
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Charlie Chaplin | The Gold Rush | |
Live music by the Orchestre des Jardins Musicaux. | ||||
Flight LH 477, Lufthansa | Steven Spielberg | A.I. Artificial Intelligence | |
Flight LH 477, Lufthansa | Sean Penn | Into The Wild | |
Home | Bryan Singer | The Usual Suspects | |
Home | Mike Newell | Four Weddings and a Funeral | |
Flight LX 38, Swiss | Ridley Scott | Alien | |
Flight LX 38, Swiss | Noah Baumbach | While We Were Young | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Asif Kapadia | Amy | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Pete Docter & Ronaldo Del Carmen | Inside Out | |
3D version. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | James Ford Murphy | Lava | |
3D version. | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Alex Garland | Ex Machina | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Tal Granit & Sharon Maymon | The Farewell Party | |
Home | Irvin Kershner | Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back | |
1997 version. | ||||
Home | Eric Lartigau | La famille Bélier | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Alex Lutz | Le talent de mes amis | |
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb | |
Home | George Lucas | Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope | |
1997 version. | ||||
Home | Oliver Hirschbiegel | Der Untergang French: La Chute |
Galeries, Lausanne | Richard Glatzer & Wash Westmoreland | Still Alice | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | Mark Burton & Richard Starzak | Shaun le mouton English: Shaun the Sheep Movie |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Terry Zwigoff | Ghost World | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Big Eyes | |
Home | Marc Caro & Jean-Pierre Jeunet | La cité des enfants perdus English: The City of Lost Children |
Galeries, Lausanne | Alejandro González Iñárritu | Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) | |
Home | Guillermo del Toro | El laberinto del fauno English: Pan's Labyrinth |
Galeries, Lausanne | Ruben Östlund | Turist English: Force Majeure |
Galeries, Lausanne | Morten Tyldum | The Imitation Game | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jean-Marc Vallée | Wild | |
Galeries, Lausanne | James Marsh | The Theory of Everything | |
Casino, Martigny | Damien Chazelle | Whiplash |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Back to the Future Part III | |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Back to the Future Part II | |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Back to the Future | |
Home | Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee | Frozen | |
Corso, Martigny | Francis Lawrence | Hunger Games: La révolte - 1ère partie English: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 |
Version: French | ||||
Corso, Martigny | Louis Clichy & Alexandre Astier | Astérix: Le domaine des dieux | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | Christopher Nolan | Interstellar | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | David Fincher | Gone Girl | |
Home | James Ward Byrkit | Coherence | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Matthew Warchus | Pride | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Robert Löbel | Wind | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Richard Linklater | Boyhood | |
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Charlie Chaplin | The Kid | |
Live music by the Orchestre des Jardins Musicaux. | ||||
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Henry Lehrman | Kid Auto Races at Venice | |
Home | Terry Gilliam | The Fisher King | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Nuri Bilge Ceylan | Kis uykusu English: Winter Sleep |
Home | Gus Van Sant | Good Will Hunting | |
Home | Christopher Nolan | Memento | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Claudia Sainte-Luce | Los insólitos peces gato English: The Amazing Catfish |
Galeries, Lausanne | Felix Herngren | Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann English: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared |
Home | Terry Jones | Life of Brian | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne | Deux jours, une nuit | |
Home | Rob Reiner | The Princess Bride | |
Home | Ethan Coen & Joel Coen | Raising Arizona | |
Home | Wes Anderson | The Royal Tenenbaums | |
Home | Wes Anderson | The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou | |
Home | Rob Reiner | Stand by Me | |
Home | Gabriela Cowperthwaite | Blackfish | |
Home | Wes Anderson | Fantastic Mr. Fox | |
Home | Francis Lawrence | The Hunger Games: Catching Fire | |
Home | Isao Takahata | Hotaru no haka English: Grave of the Fireflies |
Galeries, Lausanne | Spike Jonze | Her | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Miller's Crossing | |
Home | Wes Anderson | Bottle Rocket | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Inside Llewyn Davis | |
Home | Wes Anderson | Rushmore | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | The Man Who Wasn't There | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Wes Anderson | The Grand Budapest Hotel | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jean-Marc Vallée | Dallas Buyers Club | |
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro English: The Castle of Cagliostro |
Galeries, Lausanne | Hayao Miyazaki | Kaze tachinu English: The Wind Rises |
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Kurenai no buta English: Porco Rosso |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Martin Scorsese | The Wolf of Wall Street | |
Casino, Martigny | Ben Stiller | La vie rêvée de Walter Mitty English: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Gake no ue no Ponyo English: Ponyo |
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta English: Castle in the Sky |
Galeries, Lausanne | Cédric Klapisch | Casse-tête chinois |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Galeries, Lausanne | Roman Polanski | La Vénus à la fourrure | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Alfonso Cuarón | Gravity | |
3D version. | ||||
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Milos Forman | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Blue Jasmine | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Rawson Marshall Thurber | We're the Millers | |
Home | Louis Leterrier | Now You See Me | |
Home | Tate Taylor | The Help | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Neill Blomkamp | Elysium | |
Open Air Vevey, Vevey | Baz Luhrmann | The Great Gatsby | |
Home | François Truffaut | Les quatre cents coups | |
Home | Barry Levinson | Rain Man | |
Home | Sam Mendes | Skyfall | |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Cast Away | |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Forrest Gump | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michel Gondry | L'écume des jours | |
Flight AF83, Air France | Ang Lee | Life of Pi | |
Corso, Martigny | David Moreau | 20 ans d'écart | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Manhattan | |
Home | Ethan Coen & Joel Coen | True Grit | |
Home | Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris | Ruby Sparks | |
Home | Steve Martino & Mike Thurmeier | Ice Age: Continental Drift | |
Home | Drew Goddard | The Cabin in the Woods |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Les Cèdres, Sion | Claude Miller | Thérèse Desqueyroux | |
Galeries, Lausanne | François Ozon | Dans la maison | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Gilles Vuissoz | Michel Mayor : astrophysicien, chasseur de planètes | |
Home | Quentin Tarantino | Reservoir dogs | |
Home | Henry Selick | The Nightmare Before Christmas | |
Home | Gary Ross | The Hunger Games | |
Home | Pedro Almodóvar | Todo sobre mi madre French: Tout sur ma mère |
Flight TN08, Air Tahiti Nui | Michael Sucsy | The Vow | |
Flight TN08, Air Tahiti Nui | David Foenkinos & Stéphane Foenkinos | La délicatesse | |
Flight TN08, Air Tahiti Nui | Anne Fontaine | Mon pire cauchemar | |
Liberty, Papeete | Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath & Conrad Vernon | Madagascar 3: Bons baisers d'Europe English: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Alexandre de La Patellière & Matthieu Delaporte | Le prénom | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | Wes Anderson | Moonrise Kingdom | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Dark Shadows | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Cameron Crowe | We Bought a Zoo | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Ursula Meier | L'enfant d'en haut | |
Home | Alain Berbérian | La cité de la peur English: Fear City: A Family-Style Comedy |
Galeries, Lausanne | Philippe Falardeau | Monsieur Lazhar | |
Home | Michel Gondry | La science des rêves English: The Science of Sleep |
Le Bourg, Lausanne | Fritz Lang | Metropolis | |
Music by Bit-Tuner. | ||||
Capitole, Sion | Olivier Nakache & Eric Toledano | Intouchables |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | J.J. Abrams | Super 8 | |
Home | Michel Hazanavicius & Dominique Mézerette | La classe américaine | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Glenn Ficarra & John Requa | Crazy, Stupid, Love | |
Home | Georges Méliès | Le voyage dans la lune | |
Home | Wes Craven | Scream 4 | |
Home | Lars von Trier | Dogville | |
Home | Lars von Trier | Dancer in the Dark | |
Home | Len Talan | Hansel and Gretel | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Lars von Trier | Melancholia | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Gustavo Taretto | Medianeras | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Patrick Jean | Pixels | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Pedro Almodóvar | La piel que habito English: The Skin I Live In |
Galeries, Lausanne | David Yates | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 | |
Home | Charles de Lauzirika | Return to Twin Peaks | |
Home | Charles de Lauzirika | Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks | |
Home | Charles de Lauzirika | A Slice of Lynch | |
Flight LX 39, Swiss | Gore Verbinski | Rango | |
Version: French | ||||
Flight LX 38, Swiss | Gore Verbinski | Rango | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Terrence Malick | The Tree of Life | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Midnight in Paris | |
Home | Todd Phillips | The Hangover | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Rob Marshall | Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | |
3D version. | ||||
Home | David Lynch | Mulholland Dr. | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Carlos Saldanha | Rio | |
3D version. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Darren Aronofsky | Black Swan | |
Flight WK 67, Edelweiss Air | Danny Boyle | 127 Hours | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Darren Aronofsky | Black Swan | |
Home | Pete Docter, David Silverman & Lee Unkrich | Monsters, Inc. | |
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Fargo | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jean-Pierre Améris | Les émotifs anonymes | |
Home | Steven Spielberg | Catch Me If You Can | |
Home | Tim Burton | Batman | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michel Leclerc | Le nom des gens |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Les Cèdres, Sion | David Yates | Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 1ère partie English: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Jake Scott | Welcome to the Rileys | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Rodrigo Cortés | Buried | |
Version: French | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Guillaume Canet | Les petits mouchoirs | |
Home | Peter Avanzino | Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs | |
Home | Dwayne Carey-Hill | Futurama: Bender's Big Score | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Terry Zwigoff | Ghost World | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Christopher Nolan | Inception | |
Flight 830, Air Canada | Mike Mitchell | Shrek Forever After | |
Flight 647, United Airlines | Thor Freudenthal | Diary of a Wimpy Kid | |
Home | Ricky Gervais & Matthew Robinson | The Invention of Lying | |
Home | Martin Scorsese | Shutter Island | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Stanley Kubrick | The Killing | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Agnès Varda | Huey French: Black Panthers |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Agnès Varda | Ulysse | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Agnès Varda | Salut les Cubains | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Daniel Monzón | Celda 211 | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Roman Polanski | The Ghost Writer | |
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Nausicaä de la vallée du vent Japanese: Kaze no tani no Naushika English: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Hayao Miyazaki | Mon voisin Totoro Japanese: Tonari no Totoro English: My Neighbor Totoro |
Version: French | ||||
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Beetle Juice | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Alice in Wonderland | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Roman Polanski | Death and the Maiden | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Roman Polanski | Chinatown | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jason Reitman | Up in the Air | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | Ron Clements & John Musker | La Princesse et la Grenouille English: The Princess and the Frog |
Version: French | ||||
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Martin Scorsese | Goodfellas | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Ethan Coen & Joel Coen | A Serious Man | |
Home | John Hillcoat | The Road | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Terry Gilliam | Twelve Monkeys | |
Cinémathèque, Lausanne | Alfred Hitchcock | Rear Window | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michael Haneke | Das weisse Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Galeries, Lausanne | James Cameron | Avatar | |
Corso, Martigny | Nancy Meyers | Pas si simple English: It's Complicated |
Version: French | ||||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Terry Gilliam | The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Cary Fukunaga | Sin Nombre | |
Home | Marina Zenovich | Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michael Moore | Capitalism: A Love Story | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Christine Jeffs | Sunshine Cleaning | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michael Davies | What's Virgin Mean? | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Robert Luketic | L'abominable vérité English: The Ugly Truth |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Gilles Grangier | La cuisine au beurre | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | David Yates | Harry Potter et le Prince de sang mêlé English: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Whatever Works | |
Casino, Martigny | Pete Docter & Bob Peterson | Là-haut English: Up |
Version: French | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Peter Sohn | Passages nuageux English: Partly Cloudy |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Luc Besson | Léon | |
Home | Spike Jonze | Being John Malkovich French: Dans la peau de John Malkovich |
Limelight, Lucerne | Kevin Macdonald | State of Play French: Jeux de pouvoir |
Home | Alfred Hitchcock | The Birds French: Les Oiseaux |
Home | Roman Polanski | Dance of the Vampires French: Le Bal des Vampires |
Home | Roman Polanski | Cul-de-sac | |
Home | Roman Polanski | Repulsion French: Répulsion |
Home | Esben Tønnesen | Lille mand English: Little Man |
Home | Roman Polanski | Nóz w wodzie French: Le couteau dans l'eau |
Galeries, Lausanne | Pedro Almodóvar | Los Abrazos Rotos French: Étreintes Brisées |
Home | Larry Charles | Religulous French: Religolo |
City Club, Pully | Agnès Varda | Les Plages D'Agnès English: The Beaches Of Agnès |
Galeries, Lausanne | Sergei Dvortsevoy | Tulpan | |
Home | Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez | Curse Of The Blair Witch | |
Home | Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez | The Blair Witch Project French: Le Projet Blair Witch |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Michel Hazanavicius | OSS 117: Rio Ne Répond Plus | |
Home | Oliver Hirschbiegel | Das Experiment French: L'Expérience |
Dalí Museum, Berlin | Luis Buñuel | Un Chien Andalou | |
CineStar Original, Sony Center, Berlin | Richard Curtis | The Boat That Rocked French: Good Morning England |
Home | Kurt Kuenne | Validation | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Gianni Di Gregorio | Pranzo Di Ferragosto French: Le Déjeuner Du 15 Août |
Galeries, Lausanne | Claude Luyet, Georges Schwizgebel, Dominique Delachaux-Lambert, Claude Barras, Roméo Andréani & Alexandre Lachavanne | Animatou | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Clint Eastwood | Gran Torino | |
Home | Tom Tykwer | Lola Rennt French: Cours, Lola, Cours |
Metropolis, Cologne | Stephen Daldry | The Reader French: Le Liseur |
Metropolis, Cologne | Gus Van Sant | Milk French: Harvey Milk |
Cinéma de Verbier, Verbier | David Frankel | Marley & Me French: Marley & Moi |
Galeries, Lausanne | David Fincher | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button French: L'Étrange Histoire de Benjamin Button |
Galeries, Lausanne | John Patrick Shanley | Doubt French: Doute |
Berlinale Palast, Berlin | Sally Potter | Rage | |
Home | Robert Zemeckis | Forrest Gump | |
Hackesche Höfe Filmtheater, Berlin | Laurent Cantet | Entre Les Murs | |
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Sam Mendes | Revolutionary Road French: Les Noces Rebelles |
Galeries, Lausanne | Danny Boyle & Loveleen Tandan | Slumdog Millionaire | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Burn After Reading |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Til Schweiger | Barfuss | |
Bellevaux, Lausanne | Matteo Garrone | Gomorra | |
Central-Kino, Berlin | Marc Caro & Jean-Pierre Jeunet | Delicatessen | |
City Club, Pully | Juan José Lozano | Témoin Indésirable | |
Home | Julio R. Galan, Juan Pablo Sans & Matthew C. Doble | Picture This | |
Home | Terry Gilliam | The Miracle of Flight | |
Home | Matthew Chuang | Drift | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Ursula Meier | Home | |
Flight 286, British Airways | Woody Allen | Annie Hall | |
Home | Agnès Varda | La Pointe-courte | |
Flight 283, British Airways | M. Night Shyamalan | The Happening French: Phénomènes |
Flight 283, British Airways | Steven Spielberg | Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull French: Indiana Jones et le Royaume du Crâne de Cristal |
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Le Studio Mouche | The Invisible Runaway | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Pip-Corn | T'En Chie | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Géraldine Rod | Super Smartiz Land | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Pip-Corn | Y'A Des Fois | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Reply-to-all | Dimanche... | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Pip-Corn | La Sensibilité Ne Porte Pas De Costard | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Reply-to-all | Pénélope, La Trotinette Et Les Deux Poltrons | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Tobia Botta | Rotamat | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Jean-Sébastien Monzani | Un Rendez-Vous Trop Stylé... | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Tobia Botta | Physique Du Rôle | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Yves Londono | Le Baiser De Judas | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Joël Hefti | Et Si [2] | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Flavio Sala | Et Si [1] | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | David Bonjour | È Vietato Attraversare I Binari | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Cédric Adrover & Thibault Schaller | Cadences | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | David Bonjour | Bob | |
13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | ||||
Parc Mon Repos, Lausanne | Various Directors | 13 Toiles Sous Les Etoiles | |
Home | Nazim Tulyakhodzayev | Budet Laskovyy Dozhd | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Christopher Nolan | The Dark Knight French: The Dark Knight, Le Chevalier Noir |
Galeries, Lausanne | Andrew Stanton | WALL·E | |
Home | Roman Polanski | Tess | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Mark Osborne & John Stevenson | Kung Fu Panda | |
Home | Peter Jackson | The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : Le Retour Du Roi |
Home | Peter Jackson | The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : Les Deux Tours |
IMAX Luzern, Lucerne | Greg MacGillivray | Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk | |
Version: German | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Mabrouk El Mechri | JCVD | |
Home | Sofia Coppola | Lost In Translation | |
Home | Vivian Kubrick | Making "The Shining" | |
Home | Stanley Kubrick | The Shining French: Shining |
Galeries, Lausanne | Samuel Benchetrit | J'Ai Toujours Rêvé D'Être Un Gangster | |
Home | Tim Burton | Ed Wood | |
Home | Tim Burton | Sleepy Hollow French: Sleepy Hollow, La Légende Du Cavalier Sans Tête |
Home | Oliver Hirschbiegel | Der Untergang French: La Chute |
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | O Brother, Where Art Thou? French: O' Brother |
Home | Tim Burton | Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street French: Sweeney Todd : Le Diabolique Barbier De Fleet Street |
Home | Peter Weir | Dead Poets Society French: Le Cercle Des Poètes Disparus |
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | The Big Lebowski | |
Home | Peter Weir | The Truman Show | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Wes Anderson | The Darjeeling Limited French: À Bord Du Darjeeling Limited |
Galeries, Lausanne | Wes Anderson | Hotel Chevalier French: Hôtel Chevalier |
Galeries, Lausanne | Philippe Claudel | Il y a longtemps que je t'aime | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Rodrigo Plá | La zona | |
Home | Sam Mendes | American Beauty | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Cédric Klapisch | Paris | |
Le Capitole, Lausanne | Dany Boon | Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jason Reitman | Juno | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Marc Forster | The Kite Runner French: Les Cerfs-Volants De Kaboul |
Galeries, Lausanne | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | No Country For Old Men French: Non, Ce Pays N'Est Pas Pour Le Vieil Homme |
Galeries, Lausanne | Sean Penn | Into The Wild |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Kevin Lima | Enchanted French: Il Était Une Fois |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Peter Jackson | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : La Communauté De L'Anneau |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Mike Judge | Idiocracy | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Gustavo Taretto | Hoy No Estoy | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Kevin Mascart, Nicolas Buono, Maxime Pradel & Marwane Belkas | Killcow | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | A. Steel & J. Hill | On The Job | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Andrea Jublin | Il Supplente | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Joon Han Yeo | Adults Only | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Bill Plympton | Guide Dog | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Guido Thys | Tanghi Argentini | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Lorenz Merz | The Little Samurai | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Brad Peyton | Evelyn: The Cutest Evil Dead Girl | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Ricky Rijneke | Wing, The Fish That Talked Back | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Charlotte Blom | Kokos | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Nicola Morris | Out Of Milk | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Lilah Vandenburgh | Bitch | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Stefan Nadelman | Food Fight | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Jonas Grosch | La vie est dure sans confiture | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Nick Ball | All's Well That Ends Swell! | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Erik Cimon | Broil | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Cécile Vernant | Le Dîner | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Steve Hammal | Toast | |
Dixième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Woody Allen | Cassandra's Dream French: Le Rêve De Cassandre |
Galeries, Lausanne | Frank Oz | Death At A Funeral French: Joyeuses Funérailles |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Michael Moore | Sicko | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Brad Bird | Ratatouille | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Julie Delpy | 2 Days In Paris | |
Galeries, Lausanne | David Silverman | The Simpsons Movie French: Les Simpson : Le Film |
Bellevaux, Lausanne | Julian Schnabel | Le Scaphandre Et Le Papillon | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | David Yates | Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix French: Harry Potter Et L'Ordre Du Phénix |
Casino, Martigny | Chris Miller & Raman Hui | Shrek The Third French: Shrek Le Troisième |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Todd Field | Little Children | |
Cinétoile Malley Lumières, Lausanne-Prilly | Gore Verbinski | Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End French: Pirates Des Caraïbes: Jusqu'Au Bout Du Monde |
Atlantic, Lausanne | Cédric Klapisch | L'Auberge Espagnole | |
City-Club, Pully | Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck | Das Leben der Anderen French: La Vie Des Autres |
Home | Remy Belvaux, André Bonzel & Benoît Poelvoorde | C'est arrivé près de chez vous English: Man Bites Dog: It Happened in Your Neighborhood |
Galeries, Lausanne | Matías Bize | En la Cama | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Fredi M. Murer | Vitus | |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Danny Boyle | Sunshine | |
Corso, Martigny | Alejandro González Inárritu | Babel | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Marc Lawrence | Music And Lyrics French: Le Come-Back |
Galeries, Lausanne | David Lynch | Inland Empire | |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Sylvester Stallone | Rocky Balboa | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Emilio Estevez | Bobby | |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Marc Forster | Stranger Than Fiction French: L'Incroyable Destin De Harold Crick |
Galeries, Lausanne | John Cameron Mitchell | Shortbus | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Darren Aronofsky | The Fountain | |
Cinéma de Verbier, Verbier | Nancy Meyers | The Holiday |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Cèdres, Sion | Eric Lartigau | Prête-moi ta main | |
Le Capitole, Lausanne | David Bowers & Sam Fell | Flushed Away French: Souris City |
Version: French | ||||
Zinéma, Lausanne | Andrea Staka | Das Fräulein | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Christian Laurence | Comme une heure qui n'existait pas | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Oliver Schneckenbühl | Insertion | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Tinge Krishnan | Shadowscan | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Sterlin Harjo | Goodnight Irene | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Martin Lima De Faria & Anette Skåhlberg | Hjärtslag | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Geir Henning Hopland | Plassmangel | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Olivier Ayache-Vidal | Mon dernier rôle | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Blandine Lenoir | Ma culotte | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Martin Rit | La leçon de guitare | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Valérie Müller | Les hommes s'en souviendront... | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | David Colombo-Léotard | Mon père... | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Agnès Varda | T'as de beaux escaliers, tu sais... | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Agnès Varda | La cocotte d'azur | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Alain Resnais | Van Gogh | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Louis Malle | Vive le tour | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Roberto Rossellini | Fantasia sottomarina French: Fantaisie Sous-Marine |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Christophe Philippe | M, chapitre III | |
Neuvième Nuit du Court. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Davis Guggenheim | An Inconvenient Truth French: Une Vérité Qui Dérange |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Zabou Breitman | L'homme de sa vie | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris | Little Miss Sunshine | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Michel Gondry | La science des rêves English: The Science of Sleep |
Galeries, Lausanne | Olivier Assayas, Frédéric Auburtin, Sylvain Chomet, etc. | Paris, je t'aime | |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Alejandro Agresti | The Lake House French: Entre Deux Rives |
Version: French | ||||
Flonplex, Lausanne | Anders Thomas Jensen | Adams Æbler French: Adam's Apple |
Casino, Martigny | Gore Verbinski | Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest French: Pirates Des Caraïbes : Le Secret Du Coffre Maudit |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Paul Greengrass | United 93 French: Vol 93 |
Home | John Lasseter | Toy Story | |
Version: French | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Tim Johnson & Karey Kirkpatrick | Over the Hedge French: Nos Voisins, Les Hommes |
Version: French | ||||
Amphithéâtre, Martigny | Pedro Almodóvar | Volver | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Hayao Miyazaki | Majo no takkyûbin French: Kiki, La Petite Sorcière |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Jean-Marc Vallée | C.R.A.Z.Y. | |
Galeries, Lausanne | James McTeigue | V for Vendetta French: V pour Vendetta |
Version: French | ||||
Atlantic, Lausanne | The Da Vinci Code French: Da Vinci Code |
Galeries, Lausanne | Le Festival Des Très Courts | ||
Cinquante très courts métrages : "Interférences" ("Interferences"), "Vizavi" ("Vizavi"), "A L'Antenne" ("On Air"), "Un Homme Tranquille" ("A Quiet Man"), "Stong" ("Stong"), "Paystation" ("Paystation"), "SuperMoine" ("SuperMonk"), "Jeux D'Humains, Jeux De Vilains" ("Human-Buster"), "La Souris Mange Le Chat Qui Mange Le Chien" ("Eat Dog Cat Mouse"), "Mad Pigeon, Un Appel Important" ("Mad Pigeon, An Important Call"), "Glamour" ("Fancy"), "Sais-Tu C'Est Qui ?" ("Guess Who?"), "Je T'aime" ("Te Quiero"), "La Vie En Rose" ("Rose Colored Glasses"), "Le Foot Au Jardin" ("Park Foot Ball"), "Jardin Public" ("Park"), "C'Est Qui Ce Mec ?" ("How I Know You"), "Une Vie" ("A Life"), "Pluie" ("Regen"), "Per Versum" ("Per Versum"), "Jour Sombre Pour La Liberté" ("Black Day To Freedom"), "Pinkus" ("Pinkus"), "Nounours" ("Teddy"), "Marc Et Tom" ("Marc And Tom"), "La Crise" ("Crisis"), "J'Aime Le Ciel" ("I Love Sky"), "Le Baiser" ("The Kiss"), "Parallelitis" ("Parallelitis"), "Train Vertical" ("Train Tower"), "Vent" ("Viento"), "Transluscence" ("Transluscence"), "Plans Foireux" ("The Deal Breaker"), "Saint-Valentin" ("Valentine's Day"), "Seulement Avec Les Frères Et Soeurs" ("Sólo Con Los Hermanos"), "Petite Sirène" ("Sirenito"), "Double Soupir" ("Double Sigh"), "A L'Écart" ("Apart"), "Parmi Tous Les Poissons De La Mer" ("Of All The Fish In The Sea"), "Déconnecté" ("Disconnected"), "Remise À Zéro" ("Reset"), "La Dernière Obsession D'Emilie" ("Emily's Last Obsession"), "La Grande Émission De Cuisine Gourmande" ("The Great Gourmet Cooking Show"), "Métro Mexico" ("Metro México"), "Piñata" ("Piñata"), "Fée Framboise" ("Fairy Berry"), "Le Bon Petit Soldat" ("Daddy's Little Helper"), "À Voix Basse" ("In A Whisper"), "Carton" ("Box"), "Carlitopolis" ("Carlitopolis"), "Le Roi Des Singes" ("The Monkey King"). | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Inside Man French: L'Homme De L'Interieur |
Casino, Martigny | Ice Age 2: The Meltdown French: L'Age De Glace 2 |
Version: French | ||||
Atlantic, Lausanne | Ice Age 2: The Meltdown French: L'Age De Glace 2 |
Atlantic, Lausanne | Memoirs of a Geisha French: Mémoires D'Une Geisha |
Version: French | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Prime French: Petites Confidences (À Ma Psy) |
Galeries, Lausanne | Good Night, and Good Luck. | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Capote French: Truman Capote |
Corso, Martigny | Fun with Dick and Jane French: Braqueurs Amateurs |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Syriana | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Lord of War French: Le Seigneur De La Guerre |
Version: French | ||||
Cine Qua Non, Lausanne | The New World French: Le Nouveau Monde |
Galeries, Lausanne | Brokeback Mountain French: Le Secret De Brokeback Mountain |
Galeries, Lausanne | The Constant Gardener | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | La petite dame Du Capitole | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Sébastien Schröder | Cinéma | |
Court documentaire de 1972 passé avant "La Petite Dame Du Capitole". | ||||
Cine Qua Non, Lausanne | Jeune homme | ||
Flonplex, Lausanne | Pride & Prejudice French: Orgueil et Préjugés |
Zinéma, Lausanne | Tian bian yi duo yun French: La Saveur de la pastèque |
Galeries, Lausanne | La tigre e la neve French: Le Tigre et la Neige |
Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Galeries, Lausanne | Three Burials French: Trois Enterrements |
Flonplex, Lausanne | Palais Royal ! | ||
Flonplex, Lausanne | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire French: Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu |
Version: French | ||||
Bellevaux, Lausanne | Michael Haneke | Caché | |
Galeries, Lausanne | A History of Violence | ||
Corso, Lausanne | In Her Shoes | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Handicap | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Bryllupsdagen | ||
I can't find any information about this short movie in 2020. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Naufraghi | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | The Banker | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Pornographic Apathetic | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Aligato | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Hotel y domicilio French: Hôtel et résidence |
Galeries, Lausanne | A Year Along the Abandoned Road | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Oh Dear... | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | 12 1/2 Minuten | ||
I can't find any information about this short movie in 2020. | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Flatlife | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Smoke-Flavored Life | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Louis Clichy | À quoi ça sert l'amour ? | |
Galeries, Lausanne | Futter | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Ana y Manuel | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Pigly | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Chickendales | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Hangover | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Le secret des dieux | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Gopher Broke | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Agricultural Report | ||
Casino, Lausanne | The 40 Year-Old Virgin French: 40 Ans, Toujours Puceau |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Tim Burton | Corpse Bride French: Les noces funèbres |
Galeries, Lausanne | Match Point | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Broken Flowers | ||
Cine Qua Non, Lausanne | Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Wereabbit French: Wallace Et Gromit Le Mystère Du Lapin-Garou |
Europlex Flon, Lausanne | Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | ||
Cine Qua Non, Lausanne | The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy French: Le Guide Du Voyageur Galactique |
Orange Cinema, Lausanne | L'enfant | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Les poupées russes | ||
Casino, Martigny | Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez | Sin City | |
Capitole, Sion | Tim Burton | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory French: Charlie et la Chocolaterie |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | La Moustache | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Mysterious Skin | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Douches Froides | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | War of the Worlds French: La Guerre Des Mondes |
Galeries, Lausanne | My Summer of Love | ||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Les poupées russes | ||
Casino, Martigny | Batman Begins | ||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Full Metal Jacket | |
Casino, Martigny | Sun City | ||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Mary Lambert | Siesta | |
"Ressemble vaguement à du David Lynch, mais en plus brouillon, plus maladroit, moins complexe et [avec] une explication définitivement surnaturelle révélée à la fin. Étrange d’entendre la musique de Marcus [Miller] et Miles [Davis] dans ce contexte." | ||||
Atlantic, Lausanne | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith | ||
Casino, Martigny | Brice de Nice | ||
City Club, Pully | Darwin's Nightmare | ||
Corso, Martigny | L'antidote | ||
Lausanne | Million Dollar Baby | ||
Pathé Flon, Lausanne | Hitch | ||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Gore Verbinski | The Ring | |
Casino, Martigny | Robots | ||
Version: French | ||||
Atlantic, Lausanne | Ray | ||
Galeries, Lausanne | Finding Neverland | ||
Martigny | Meet the Fockers French: Mon beau-père, mes parents et moi |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Mar adentro | ||
Cinéma de Verbier, Verbier | Kukushka | ||
Cine Qua Non, Lausanne | Closer | ||
Richemont, Lausanne | Maria Full of Grace | ||
Sion | Hayao Miyazaki | Howl's Moving Castle French: Le Château Ambulant |
Version: French | ||||
Home | L'auberge espagnole | ||
National Treasure | |||
Les méchants sont très méchants, limite horripilants. Les gentils résolvent les énigmes avec une facilité déconcertante. Le tout sur un fond d'histoire américaine, un peu trop lourd à mon goût. C'est plein de rebondissements et, somme toute, assez divertissant, mais ça manque cruellement d'auto-dérision. Version: French | ||||
Les soeurs fâchées | |||
Ce film manque de relief. J'ai eu l'impression de revoir la même scène tout au long du film, comme si les personnages joués par Isabelle Huppert et Catherine Frot n'évoluaient pas et se disaient toujours la même chose. Pour une comédie, ça n'est pas très drôle et ça manque de dynamisme. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Roman Polanski | The Pianist | ||
Diarios de motocicleta | |||
Roman Polanski | The Ninth Gate | ||
The Polar Express French: Le Pôle express |
Version: French | ||||
Roman Polanski | Death and the Maiden | ||
Roman Polanski | Bitter Moon | ||
Roman Polanski | Chinatown | ||
Roman Polanski | Pirates | ||
Roman Polanski | Tess | ||
Roman Polanski | The Tenant French: Le Locataire |
Roman Polanski | Rosemary's Baby | ||
Whisky | |||
Roman Polanski | Cul-de-sac | ||
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason French: Bridget Jones : L'Âge de raison |
Version: French | ||||
Narco | |||
Version: French | ||||
CE 1, EPFL | Shinobi no mono French: Le secret du ninja |
CE 1, EPFL | Waterboys | ||
2046 | |||
Comme une image | |||
Un long dimanche de fiançailles | |||
Michel Gondry | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | ||
Home | Sofia Coppola | The Virgin Suicides | |
Vipère au poing | |||
Collateral | |||
Version: French | ||||
Le Terminal | |||
Version: French | ||||
Tokyo Godfathers | |||
Mensonges Et Trahisons Et Plus Si Affinités... | |||
Version: French | ||||
Hayao Miyazaki | Princess Mononoke | ||
Ghost In The Shell | |||
The Village | |||
Dixième Chambre, Instants D'Audience | |||
Version: French | ||||
Ils Se Marièrent Et Eurent Beaucoup D'Enfants | |||
Version: French | ||||
Lolita Malgré Moi | |||
Version: French | ||||
The Cooler | |||
Open Water | |||
Version: French | ||||
30 Ans Sinon Rien | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Jean-François Pouliot | La grande séduction | |
"Film somme toute assez gentillet". | ||||
Home | Aaron Blaise & Robert Walker | Brother Bear French: Frère des ours |
Version: French | ||||
Spider-Man 2 | |||
Version: French | ||||
I, Robot | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | David Lynch | The Cowboy and the Frenchman | |
Home | Jeffrey Schwarz | Mysteries of Love | |
A documentary about Blue Velvet (1986). | ||||
Montréal-Paris flight | Peter Webber | Girl with a Pearl Earring French: La Jeune Fille à la perle |
Version: French | ||||
Québec, QC, Canada | Michael Moore | Fahrenheit 9/11 | |
Rimouski, QC, Canada | Une Aventure De Cendrillon | ||
Version: French | ||||
Boston, MA, USA | Shrek 2 | ||
Super Size Me | |||
Le Jour D'Après | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | A Clockwork Orange | |
Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | The Ladykillers | ||
Home | David Lynch | Wild At Heart French: Sailor et Lula |
Version: French | ||||
La Vie Est Un Miracle | |||
Harry Potter Et Le Prisonnier D'Azkaban | |||
Version: French | ||||
Printemps, Eté, Automne, Hiver... Et Printemps | |||
Kill Bill, Vol. 2 | |||
Version: French | ||||
A Vos Marques, Prêts, Charlie! | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | David Lynch | Blue Velvet | |
Monster | |||
David Lynch | The Straight Story | ||
David Lynch | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me | ||
Home | David Lynch | Lost Highway | |
Starsky Et Hutch | |||
Version: French | ||||
David Lynch | Dune | ||
Hidalgo | |||
Version: French | ||||
Les Choristes | |||
Version: French | ||||
David Lynch | The Elephant Man | ||
David Lynch | Eraserhead | ||
Immortel | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Frank Darabont | The Green Mile French: La ligne verte |
Version: French | ||||
Tim Burton | Big Fish | ||
Home | Tom Shadyac | Bruce Almighty French: Bruce Tout-Puissant |
Version: French | ||||
Casino, Martigny | Polly Et Moi | ||
Version: French | ||||
Retour À Cold Mountain | |||
Version: French | ||||
21 Grams | |||
Tout Peut Arriver | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Gabriel Aghion | Pédale douce | |
Sofia Coppola | Lost In Translation | ||
Deux En Un | |||
Version: French | ||||
Calendar Girls |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Peter Jackson | The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : Le Retour Du Roi |
Home | Roger Michell | Notting Hill French: Coup de Foudre à Notting Hill |
Version: French | ||||
Les Looney Tunes Passent À L'Action | |||
Version: French | ||||
Dans La Peau De Ma Mère | |||
Version: French | ||||
Nos Meilleures Années (Deuxième Partie) | |||
Love Actually | |||
Version: French | ||||
Nos Meilleures Années (Première Partie) | |||
Kill Bill, Vol. 1 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Finding Nemo | |||
Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | Intolerable Cruelty French: Intolérable cruauté |
Version: French | ||||
Mystic River | |||
Version: French | ||||
Zatoichi | |||
Matrix Revolutions | |||
Dirty Pretty Things | |||
Elephant | |||
Tais-Toi ! | |||
Version: French | ||||
Identity | |||
Yann Samuell | Jeux d'enfants | ||
Hero | |||
Terminator 3 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Pirates Des Caraïbes | |||
Version: French | ||||
Phone Booth | |||
Version: French | ||||
Danny Boyle | 28 Days Later French: 28 jours plus tard |
Version: French | ||||
Tom Shadyac | Bruce Almighty French: Bruce Tout-Puissant |
Version: French | ||||
Matrix Reloaded | |||
Johnny English | |||
Version: French | ||||
Rabbit-Proof Fence | |||
Home | Contact | ||
Home | M. Night Shyamalan | Unbreakable | |
About Schmidt | |||
David Lynch | Mulholland Dr. | ||
Home | Robert Rodriguez | The Faculty | |
Home | Joe Berlinger | Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 | |
8 Mile | |||
Home | Kevin Smith | Dogma | |
Chicago | |||
Home | Andrzej Sekula | Cube 2: Hypercube | |
Home | Sam Mendes | American Beauty | |
Home | Hideo Nakata | Ringu 2 | |
Home | Sofia Coppola | The Virgin Suicides | |
Smoke Signals | |||
Home | Pierre-Paul Renders | Thomas est amoureux | |
Attrape-Moi Si Tu Peux | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez | The Blair Witch Project French: Le Projet Blair Witch |
Gangs Of New York | |||
Le Règne Du Feu | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Hideo Nakata | Ringu | |
Home | Gore Verbinski | The Ring |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Tony Kaye | American History X | |
Peter Jackson | The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : Les Deux Tours |
Version: French | ||||
Peter Jackson | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : La Communauté De L'Anneau |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Cameron Crowe | Vanilla Sky | |
Harry Potter Et La Chambre Secrète | |||
Version: French | ||||
Meurs Un Autre Jour | |||
Version: French | ||||
L'Homme Sans Passé | |||
Swapped | |||
Dragon Rouge | |||
Version: French | ||||
Bowling For Columbine | |||
XXX - Triple X | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Spike Jonze | Being John Malkovich French: Dans la peau de John Malkovich |
Version: French | ||||
La Mémoire Dans La Peau | |||
Version: French | ||||
Minority Report | |||
Version: French | ||||
Signs | |||
Insomnia | |||
40 Jours Et 40 Nuits | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Vincenzo Natali | Cube | |
Version: French | ||||
Men In Black 2 | |||
L'Auberge Espagnole | |||
Version: French | ||||
Beijing Bicycle | |||
Blade 2 | |||
Ghost World | |||
Spider-Man | |||
Home | Stanley Kubrick | Eyes Wide Shut | |
Star Wars : Episode II - L'Attaque Des Clones | |||
Version: French | ||||
Hayao Miyazaki | Spirited Away French: Le Voyage De Chihiro |
Panic Room | |||
Version: French | ||||
Hayao Miyazaki | Spirited Away French: Le Voyage De Chihiro |
Kate Et Leopold | |||
Version: French | ||||
Monsters & Co. | |||
L'Age De Glace | |||
Version: French | ||||
La Machine A Explorer Le Temps | |||
Version: French | ||||
Huit Femmes | |||
Version: French | ||||
Tanguy | |||
Version: French | ||||
Peter Jackson | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : La Communauté De L'Anneau |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Cameron Crowe | Vanilla Sky | |
Ocean's Eleven | |||
Version: French | ||||
Storytelling | |||
Spy Game | |||
Version: French | ||||
Alejandro Amenábar | The Others |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Peter Jackson | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring French: Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : La Communauté De L'Anneau |
Version: French | ||||
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone | |||
David Lynch | Mulholland Dr. | ||
The Pledge | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | John Flynn | Brainscan | |
"Un film médiocre". | ||||
Home | Abel Ferrara | Body Snatchers | |
"Un navet". | ||||
Le Vélo De Ghislain Lambert | |||
Version: French | ||||
Le Journal De Bridget Jones | |||
Le Moulin Rouge | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Roman Polanski | Repulsion French: Répulsion |
Home | Roman Polanski | Lampa French: La lampe |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Roman Polanski | Rozbijemy zabawe... French: Cassons le bal |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Roman Polanski | Dwaj ludzie z szafa French: Deux hommes et une armoire |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Roman Polanski | Dance of the Vampires French: Le Bal des Vampires |
Version: French | ||||
Paris-Miami flight | Andrew Adamson & Vicky Jenson | Shrek | |
Paris-Miami flight | Simon Wincer | Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles French: Crocodile Dundee à Los Angeles |
Version: French | ||||
Final Fantasy | |||
Version: French | ||||
Shrek | |||
Version: French | ||||
Thomas Est Amoureux | |||
Version: French | ||||
The Hole | |||
Pearl Harbor | |||
Version: French | ||||
2001 : L'Odyssée De L'Espace | |||
The Tailor Of Panama | |||
Bellevaux, Lausanne | Roy Andersson | Sånger från andra våningen English: Songs from the Second Floor French: Chansons du deuxième étage |
Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amélie Poulain | |||
Version: French | ||||
Athénée, Lausanne | Jean-Pierre Jeunet | Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | |
15 Minutes | |||
Version: French | ||||
Yamakasi | |||
Version: French | ||||
Kuzco L'Empereur Mégalo | |||
Version: French | ||||
Miss Détective | |||
Version: French | ||||
Hannibal | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Jonathan Demme | The Silence of the Lambs | |
Version: French | ||||
Vertical Limit | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | John Irvin | Next of Kin | |
Version: French | ||||
Ce Que Veulent Les Femmes | |||
L'Exorciste (Version Intégrale) | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | Amores Perros French: Amours Chiennes |
Un Monde Meilleur | |||
Le Pacte Des Loups | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Mick Jackson | Volcano | |
Seul Au Monde | |||
Billy Elliot | |||
Escrocs Mais Pas Trop | |||
Version: French | ||||
Mon Beau-Père Et Moi | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Brad Silberling | City of Angels | |
"C'était un film assez mielleux." Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Chicken Run | |||
Version: French | ||||
Sofia Coppola | The Virgin Suicides | ||
The Yards | |||
Version: French | ||||
Snatch | |||
Home | Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | O Brother, Where Art Thou? French: O' Brother |
Version: French | ||||
Dancer In The Dark | |||
Scary Movie | |||
Version: French | ||||
Tigres Et Dragons | |||
The Cell | |||
Version: French | ||||
Les Rivières Pourpres | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Larry Shaw | Victim of the Haunt | |
A very bad remake of Poltergeist. | ||||
Home | Quentin Tarantino | Pulp Fiction | |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Taylor Hackford | The Devil's Advocate French: L'associé du diable |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Michael Apted | Extreme Measures | |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Jonathan Lynn | Trial and Error | |
Home | Lewis Gilbert | Moonraker | |
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Ridley Scott | Gladiator | |
Matrix | |||
Home | Barry Sonnenfeld | Men In Black | |
Version: French | ||||
Hypnose | |||
Version: French | ||||
Mission To Mars | |||
Mon Voisin Le Tueur | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | David Fincher | Se7en | |
Scream 3 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Luc Besson | The Fifth Element French: Le cinquième élément |
Version: French | ||||
Taxi 2 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Princesse Mononoké | |||
Une Vie Volée | |||
Version: French | ||||
Galeries, Lausanne | Sam Mendes | American Beauty | |
Home | David Cronenberg | The Dead Zone | |
Tim Burton | Sleepy Hollow | ||
Kevin Smith | Dogma | ||
Bone Collector | |||
Version: French | ||||
South Park | |||
M. Night Shyamalan | The Sixth Sense French: Le Sixième Sens |
Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Tarzan | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Spike Jonze | Being John Malkovich French: Dans la peau de John Malkovich |
Version: French | ||||
Le Monde Ne Suffit Pas | |||
Version: French | ||||
Fight Club | |||
Version: French | ||||
Vincenzo Natali | Cube | ||
Version: French | ||||
Hantise | |||
Version: French | ||||
Jeanne d'Arc | |||
Version: French | ||||
Les Convoyeurs Attendent | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Anthony Waller | Mute Witness French: Témoin muet |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Tim Burton | Mars Attacks! | |
Version: French | ||||
Home | Philippe Harel | Hikers French: Les randonneurs |
Version: French | ||||
Star Wars : Episode I - La Menace Fantôme | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Joel Schumacher | Flatliners French: L'expérience interdite |
Version: French | ||||
San Francisco-Zürich Flight, Swissair | Jeff Bleckner | Rear Window | |
According to my diary: "pas très bon". | ||||
Matrix | |||
The Faculty | |||
Version: French | ||||
Cours, Lola, Cours | |||
Version: French | ||||
Cours, Lola, Cours | |||
Version: French | ||||
Entrapment | |||
Version: French | ||||
Jugé Coupable | |||
Version: French | ||||
Arlington Road | |||
Version: French | ||||
Existenz | |||
Version: French | ||||
Payback | |||
Version: French | ||||
Un Plan Simple | |||
Version: French | ||||
Very Bad Things | |||
Version: French | ||||
Les Ensorceleuses | |||
Version: French | ||||
8MM | |||
Version: French | ||||
Celebrity | |||
Blade | |||
Version: French | ||||
Festen - Fête De Famille | |||
Vous Avez Un Message | |||
Version: French | ||||
Roberto Benigni | Life Is Beautiful French: La vie est belle |
Meet Joe Black | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Luc Béraud | La voisine | |
Halloween 20 Ans Après | |||
Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Le Prince D'Egypte | |||
Version: French | ||||
Mary à Tout Prix | |||
Version: French | ||||
Mulan | |||
Version: French | ||||
Ronin | |||
Version: French | ||||
Snake Eyes | |||
Version: French | ||||
Peter Weir | The Truman Show | ||
Version: French | ||||
Meurtre Parfait | |||
Version: French | ||||
Zorro | |||
Version: French | ||||
X-Files | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Steven Spielberg | Saving Private Ryan French: Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan |
Version: French | ||||
Armaggedon | |||
Version: French | ||||
Scream 2 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Kundun | |||
Version: French | ||||
Primary Colors | |||
Version: French | ||||
Joel Coen & Ethan Coen | The Big Lebowski | ||
Serial Lover | |||
Version: French | ||||
Dîner De Cons | |||
Version: French | ||||
U.S. Marshsals | |||
Version: French | ||||
I Know What You Did Last Summer | |||
Version: French | ||||
Will Hunting | |||
Version: French | ||||
Copland | |||
Version: French | ||||
Taylor Hackford | The Devil's Advocate French: L'associé du diable |
Version: French | ||||
Titanic | |||
Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
The Game | |||
Version: French | ||||
Sept Ans Au Tibet | |||
Version: French | ||||
Alien, La Résurrection | |||
Version: French | ||||
Lost World | |||
Version: French | ||||
Scream | |||
Version: French | ||||
Barry Sonnenfeld | Men In Black | ||
Version: French | ||||
Independence Day | |||
Version: French | ||||
Speed 2 | |||
Version: French | ||||
Star Wars : Episode VI - Le Retour Du Jedi | |||
Version: French | ||||
Star Wars : Episode V - L'Empire Contre-Attaque | |||
Version: French | ||||
La Guerre Des Etoiles | |||
Version: French | ||||
Home | Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Mervyn LeRoy, Norman Taurog. Richard Thorpe & King Vidor | The Wizard of Oz French: Le magicien d'Oz |
"[U]n film qui n'a rien d'un chef-d'œuvre, mais dont j'avais déjà souvent entendu parlé. C'est en effet de ce film que Prince a tiré le fameux chant que l'on retrouve, principalement, dans le morceau "It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night". Je dois avouer que c'est la seule motivation qui m'a poussé à suivre ce film en entier." |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Stanley Kubrick | The Shining French: Shining |
"Il me semble que ça faisait longtemps que je n’avais pas vu un bon film à la télévision." |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
St-Maurice | Percy Adlon | Bagdad Café | |
Probably seen in 1995. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
St-Maurice | Milos Forman | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest French: Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou |
Probably seen in 1994, maybe in 1993 or 1995, in French and in German (?). Version: French | ||||
St-Maurice | Steven Spielberg | Schindler's List French: La liste de Schindler |
Probably seen in 1994, maybe in 1993 or 1995 (?). Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Cinéma de Verbier, Verbier | Milos Forman | Amadeus |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Home | Douglas Trumbull | Brainstorm | |
Broadcast on FR3 on December 17, 1990. Recorded on a VHS tape. | ||||
Home | Byron Haskin | The Power French: La guerre des cerveaux |
Recorded on VHS on January 2, 1990 (FR3). I probably watched it soon after that, at least once, maybe multiple times. Version: French | ||||
Home | George Pal | The Time Machine French: La Machine à explorer le temps |
Recorded on VHS on January 2, 1990 (FR3). I probably watched it soon after that, at least once, maybe multiple times. Version: French |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
Martigny | Jean-Jacques Annaud | L'Ours | |
Probably seen in late 1988 or early 1989. | ||||
Martigny | Robert Zemeckis | Who Framed Roger Rabbit French: Qui veut la peau de Roger Rabbit? |
Probably seen in late 1988 or early 1989. Version: French | ||||
Martigny | Luc Besson | Le grand bleu | |
Probably seen in 1988. |
Date | Theater | Director | Title | Rating |
L'Avenir, Villette | Robert Stevenson | The Love Bug French: Un Amour de Coccinelle |
Version: French |